Monday, June 28, 2010

A 14 Year Old Fan Interviews Rob (Lovefilm Interview)

Find out what happens when we sent 14 year-old competition winner and die-hard Twi-hard, Shannon Waters, over to L.A. last week to interview the Twilight stars, including Edward Cullen himself Robert Pattinson.

Watch Shannon and Robert Pattinson get the giggles as the star-struck interviewer asks the Twilight star about his favourite scene in the new film, and how his character feels about the bond between Bella and Jacob.

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  1. This was such an adorable interview. I luv how she is so star-struck with Robert's presence. So very cute.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. that was kind of painful to watch; she was barely able to ask the questions...

  4. I think.. in years to come she will be kicking herself when she sees that.. it was sort of cute that she was so star struck.. but I wish someone had calmed her down before she sat down with him.. you know tell her to take a deep breath.. that sort of thing.. It's sweet but sad..

  5. Oh, that was really painful to watch.. Poor girl! Robert looked confused as hell about what he should do to her in the end... I would have been too!

  6. I think if Rob had hugged her in the end she would have fainted. He looked sorry for her, bless her heart.

  7. @ Iluvthemovies,ITA with u poor girl she could barely ask Rob the quetions let alone look at Rob ..omg can you blame her? no! she probably just wanted to scream omg!omg !omg!to be sitting infront of Rob,my reaction would probably be worst..speechless,jumping up and down screaming you're SOOOoo HOT!! like that mom in you see young lady you should be proud you held yourself together and I'm so envious you met Rob in person..great interview,ROB WAS VERY SWEET AND GORGEOUS AS EVER!! a
