Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The real story about 'The Sun' article. What Rob did/didn't say

From Gossip Cop

Gossip Cop has spent hours reaching out to everyone to verify the Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart shocker heard ’round the world.

Initially, we were told the interview was “a fake.”

We then contacted many, many more individuals, including the author of the explosive interview published in The Sun, “R-Patz admits: I AM with K-Stew.”

Unlike numerous other sites which took the interview at face value and never fact checked, including Hollyscoop (“Robert Pattinson Confirms He’s Dating Kristen Stewart) and HollywoodLife (“Finally, Kristen! Your boyfriend R-Patz ADMITS you are a couple!”), Gossip Cop verified with the reporter — more than once over the course of a few hours — what was and wasn’t said on Sunday.

The reporter told Gossip Cop Pattinson “didn’t say ‘we are a couple,’” adding that “he wasn’t going to spell it out in great detail.”

What the reporter did ask during the post-BAFTAs dinner, where Pattinson was several feet away from Stewart for this Q&A, was, “Is this a public appearance together?”

The reporter told Gossip Cop Pattinson replied, “We are together.”

When Gossip Cop pressed him on whether Pattinson’s response meant he and Stewart were a couple, the reporter said, “That’s my assumption from what he said.”

OK, so Pattinson never actually said they were “a couple.”

The Sun claims Pattinson “admitted” he and Stewart were a couple. But that is not the case.

This isn’t to say Pattinson and Stewart are or are not a couple.

But the claim that there was any kind of monumental admission or “fessing up” at the dinner on Sunday simply is not true.

As Gossip Cop has maintained from the beginning, it’s up to the actors to reveal when and what they want to reveal.


  1. This seems a bit rushed for Gossip Cop. I mean there are some blatant statements that The Sun is putting in quotes and GC seems to only have focused on the one 'we are together' statement. The more telling quotation is the "supposed to be a public appearance as a couple" one. Frankly, if I were GC, I'd have waited for an official comment from RP or KS's people.

    I'm just sayin' :-)

  2. OMG. This is beyond ridiculous. Can we focus on Remember Me coming out in 2 weeks?

  3. LOL! This is the craziest thing! Did he, didn't he; do they, don't they? Oh my gosh I am holding my breath until I KNOW!! HAHA! All I know is, who among us wouldn't? Do I see any raised hands? Oh no, I mean who WOULD NOT...? Yes, sarcasm is a gift, and I say again, Why should we care if they are dating?! Yay for them, either way! I just like to look at him, I think he is wonderful at this moment in time, and I WILL go see Remember Me! :*)

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