Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Picture of Rob and Kristen in England

Bigger version of the same picture. Click to enlarge

With the britpack

Kstew411 | Untagged picture via Kstewartnews | Bigger picture via Pattinsonlife


  1. Oh, I'm so glad someone pointed out the English rocks.

  2. How does someone even get a picture like that? This is beyond creepy.

  3. Looks like Kris got to get her walk afterall...



  5. I don't know @ everyone else, but I just wish they would admit it and get on with it. IMO,it just makes people stalk them more, and if they really want people to leave them alone, JUST ADMIT IT! I think it's cool, and it would stop alot of this type of thing.

  6. Well it's hard to see but it does look like Rob & Kristen, I think the blonde in the front of the pic is his sister Lizzy and that is definately pics of the IOW. As far as them just admitting they are together which I definately agree would make their lives easier becaus people would not care as much once they found out and wouldn't stalk them,is not their decision. From what I understand Summit Productions won't let them release that info until all the films are done, they probably had to sign contracts with special clauses about that in them. A friend of my brother does special effects for movies in hollywood and they are very hush, hush about everything so paranoid that some info will get out that will ruin the movies. I hope they can get into a real life together soon I know it has to be very hard on them. Good Luck Rob & Kristen we love ya and want ya to be HAPPY!

  7. oh wow i spy the brit pack with them:) thanks for the pics. glad that they can relax and unwind. lovely place btw.

  8. it seems like they're now ready to be open about it. it's their own choice what to to with it. i'm happy to see them together having a normal experience.

    and wow what a lovely English rocks by the way lol

  9. Doesn't Kristen have ANY friends of her own? When she's out in public it's either with Rob, Rob and HIS friends, castmates during filming, her brother, mother, or another family member.

    Last spring (when she was s-l-o-w-l-y breaking up with her loser, beta male ex bf and doing Rob on the side too -LOL) she clung desperately to Nikki Reed. So then she was seen in public with Nikki, Nikki and Michael, or Rob, Nikki, and or other cast members.

    These days, if she's out with friends, they're HIS friends. Always.

  10. r they holding hands? r they holding hands? r they holding hands? r they holding hands? r they holding hands? r they holding hands? r they holding hands? r they holding hands? r they holding hands? r they holding hands?

    I M GOING CRAZY!!!!!
    I m going to lose sleep tonight wondering - R THEY HOLDING HANDS

    please let it b YES

  11. english rocks!!! that´s the best part of the picture LOL.... I agrre with the others if they´re dating i´ll be so much easier if they tell the truth

  12. ch wrote: "if they´re dating i´ll be so much easier if they tell the truth"

    Yes, it would be easier. But then what would Kstew have to whinge about? After all, she has limited tolerance for "the fiending" and has stated that she would probably have answered the relationship question except that it would give the hated "fiending" what they want. Can't have that when you're all badass and everything.

    Of course, after she made that junior high, stick out your tongue, nah nah statement, she was photographed holding Rob's hand on the tarmac at the Paris airport. LOL! Now all these UK photos.

    That's showing them, Kristen!

  13. I'd love to be the PR guru for these guys, what a little goldmine they are turning out to be, everyone's a winner....well almost. Below is a theory - Prof says "discuss".

    On the whole issue of relationships, this is probably one of the hottest topics, are they / aren't they?

    From K's perspective: Girls, even the most beautiful, self assured, drop dead stunningly gorgeous among you, would have trouble being certain that your man is yours when females everywhere are hurling themselves at your guy. So, if you admit your in a relationship with said fella, and then it goes out the window, you wind up with egg on your face. Further, after admitting you're in a relationship, in Kristen's case, this is likely to ensure she has to endure some amount can I put this into words..hostile and focally negative behaviour from the ever real slightly unstable corner of Rob's fan base. From a career point of view, what if a significant portion of people decide not to see movies she's in because she is dating him? She's 19 and unfortunately her career depends to a reasonable extent on popularity, and movie sucess is counted in bums on seats and the resulting dollars taken at the box office. If they are not dating, she's still at risk because of the hype that she "might" be dating him.

    There is every possibility that these guys are, the very best of friends, having discovered the highs and lows of suddenly aquiring roaring fame, having previously been fairly low key. A shared experience after all, brings us together.

    To be continued....

  14. Part 2:

    From the perspective of the press / media / movie owners etc:
    These two make money. If the question were ever answered about their "status" in the dating world, no-one would bother buying anymore magazines, until someone bought the rights to run their wedding photos, OR someone splashed them all over a front page looking horror struck and folorn at their parting. And, there is the every present danger that this could cause more harm than good to their careers...

    From his perspective: If they are dating, one of his concerns is going to be her welfare (well, hopefully), and admitting there is a relationship, is likely to put her in a difficult position, as outlined above. Thats a lot of responsibility to carry, as the only way to protect her would be to shut her off from the media of the world (and her career is dependant on it as is his). If they're not dating, and this has been in the press already, every single friend he has of the fairer sex is fair game - remember the stories about how his appearance alongside any female starlet spells the kiss of death for that females off screen romance? Again, much responsibility for a guy who is still pretty young. The other problem for him, is if he is painted as the villain in relation to any young ladies, again this could damage his career prospects and his image. He also has family to think of.

    Still more to come..... :)

  15. Last piece:

    If you think this is all hype, there is a programme in the UK, called Eastenders. Some years ago and character who owned a wine bar, raped a character called Kathy. The male actor, was in a London Park with his baby daughter, when he was accosted (according to the media) by an older woman, who screamed at him about raping Kathy. There are people who cannot differentiate between real people and actors well, acting!

    Generally speaking, this is mess and every entreprenureal pap, media mogul and anyone else even loosely related to the industry, is cashing in on them, and it doesn't do the stars' careers any damage either in its present state. They are, very much in the public eye and are adored, especially artistically, and this keeps them a top the lists of casting directors everywhere who want to guarantee bums on seats in theatres. This keeps them employed.

    Be honest, would you risk your career in these circumstances over a relationship that is still in it's difficult childhood era?

    The other burning question is of course, can a guy and a girl just be friends without anything else going on? Chemistry is about connecting with other human beings, and this isn't always about romance. We've all had a friend whom, we felt on first meeting them, was someone we had known all our lives.....

    Discuss!! :)

  16. I can undertand contract obligations, and everyone knows Hollywood is all about the bottom line, but seriously if it is so important to keep it quiet why go out in public at all? I mean, they are human beings, not paid monkeys, and if they are so worried about their careers they can not be seen as 'together' why take any chances at all? To me it is just nuts to try to dictate the lives of other people. There are always going to be the stalkers; whatever; but the question I have is would they have to hide it no matter who they dated or just each other, and if the contract was made during Twilight, why? She was dating that other guy then and NO ONE CARED! It just makes a mountain out of a molehill!

  17. Jenn, EXCELLENT points. Wasn't there some issue over her being under age when they filmed Twilight? And why didn't that apply to the chap she was dating at the time? I don't recall anyone else being contractually obligated not to to date... I'm studying psychology by the way, so hence the interest in the perceptions of others... :) Very interesting to hear all the points of view. Do you think that they could make it a part of the contract, that spending time with a co-star is a no-no? Do you think the "are they / aren't they" scenario is designed specifically to make a mountain out of a molehill?

  18. Wow, I agree with almost all the coments, They are together and that's all!!! I love them, I really like to see them together, I hope they can be for long time.
    Thanks for the pics, and the English rock LOL!

  19. RANDOM VOTE :) Classic sticks of English rock have a stamp that runs all the way through them (like "Brighton Pier"), so as we've spoken about rocks, if you were to cut Rob in half, what would be written through him?

    A) Twilight
    B) The Union Jack
    C) Bite Me
    D) Something else...(specify what)
