Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Fan Pictures From the LA New Moon Premiere and Fan Experience

t_mauricexo shared her experience at the New Moon Premiere.

I got to LA on the 14th and slept outside for 2 days. It honestly was not bad at all. So anyone who tries to say OMG IT WAS SOOOO DIFFICULT is a liar lolz everyone helped out eachother and we became good friends with the people around us.

On Sunday night I was just falling asleep when a car drives by with two guys going “WOOO!” I wanted to kill them for waking me up…till I heard whisperings of it being wolf pack/ volturi members. So my friend paper_caravelle and I went down to the front of the line…I lost her there. The girls surrounding Kiowa and Cameron were ridiculous. But I weaseled my way in and got pics with the both of them J

So eventually after waiting for two days, they started putting us by the carpet. My section kinda sucked..the two girls infront of me were so sweet, I wish I had gotten their contact info. They helped me meet KStew, because they were infront of me I got to say hi to Rob, one of them got KStew to sign my HB. Seriously if you guys are out there…THANK YOU! Besides those two…most of the people didn’t like kstew -_- These girls behind me were ridiculous. Why start pushing when its 4pm and no ones going to be there for another 3 hours? Idek. The entire time we stood there I just stared at one of the guys setting up the lights…he looked exactly like my crush and I was amazing. Vanessa and I decided we would totes date him given the chance.

Okay so now the important stuff. They keep Taylor, Kristen, and Rob for the end. Time went by fast though. The entire cast was very interactive. The highest point had to be looking up and seeing JOAN MOTHER FUCKING JETT standing right infront of me. I almost dropped my camera. I started screaming her name and people around me did and she turned around and smiled at us. EPIC. Seriously ive never been so fucking excited to see anyone. I mean a rock legend is right infront of me. I didn’t even know what to do with myself. I did however discover that kids my age (19) and younger are seriously music deprived because they didn’t know who she was until I explained it to him. Do these people live under a rock? I cant even…

So we saw Rob first. Talk about hell on earth. Girls go completely nuts when they see him. Its like they lose self control. He just looked down the entire time he was facing the fans. Poor bb I mean if you talked to him without screaming “OMGGGGG ROB!!!!” he would look up…which is what I did. He was standing infront of us and I just said…”Hi Rob!” and he looked up with that confused look and made eye contact and goes “Hello!” and smiles. *melts* he’s really nice…just don’t scream at him. Its not that difficult. That’s my one advice. Screaming in excitement is totally cool but for the love of God if you want to say a word to Rob…don’t say OMG! Or just yell ROBBBBBBB…your gonna make him nervous lol sheesh now I sound like a bitch but…its true.

Next Taylor came up. He was a lot smaller then I thought. Like his muscles look big on tv but in person Rob looks bigger. Taylor was like short and skinny. IDK just not what I expected. He was nice I guess. Im not a big Taylor fan so I don’t have much on him sry :/

Kristen was the last to come out. I was hyperventilating I swear o_O I mean she’s K fucking Stew. So the minute I saw her I almost died. That dress was GORGEOUS! It was funny how everyone who hated her before was yelling “OMG KRISTENN!” when she was infront of them. Fucking fake people -_- anyways so KStew is infront of us and the two girls both lean to the side and I go “Kristen!” and she looks at me and raises her eyebrows like “yesss?” so I said “I came all the way from Florida just to see you! I love you!” and her eyes got big when I said Florida and her mouth kinda dropped open and she put her hand on her chest and said “Oh my god thank you!” and the my hand was kinda resting on the girl’s shoulder infront of me and Stew saw it and she freaking grabbed my hand and squeezed it and gave me a smile. What did I do while this happened? I died. Then I said she looked pretty and she made eye contact again and then kept talking to me and the girls infront of me while she signed. She was so fucking friendly. She stayed infront of us for like 2 minutes which in premiere time is like an hour lol I mean...the entire time I was just like “omfg im having a conversation with one of the most talented badass actresses ever that I totally admire”…it’s a one of a kind feeling. If anyone says shit about her being ‘rude’ or ‘ugly’ then they don’t deserve your time because they know nothing about her. She’s fucking flawless.

So eventually she has to walk away from us..well..pulled. It was sad L Then I met up with Iampancakes and her friend at In N Out…so fucking good. Then we traveled over to the Hammer Museum to stalk the after party. Security/Summit were douchebags though. Apparently Summit bought the fucking sidewalk because security said they said we could stand on it and wait just incase the cast came out. Where could we stand? Across the 4 lane busy street. We were even being rowdy or rude. We were just standing there waiting patiently and these douchebags yelled at us like fucking crazy. My parents even asked them a question nicely and they fucking gave us attitude so my dad told them to go fuck themselves :P

Eventually I just left. It was stupid. I wasn’t going to be treated like shit. I think Summit needs to appreciate the people who pay their bills a little more. It’d be one thing if we were misbehaving but everyone was so chill. So I went back to my hotel…cried because I had one more day in LA. Then woke my dad up at around 1am, he cussed at me, eventually we walked back down to the museum and lucky us most of security was gone J We walked to the front door and there was an autograph hound and a pap. Some bro from TMZ was there to. So I was talking to the autograph hound and the cast all arrived to the after party by going underground. He tried to get KStew when she left but he said she was giving him the evil eye lol I can almost bet that id I had stood outside the opening with my epic Team KStew sign she might have stopped to sign something for me or any other fan. But a 30+ guy with a ton of pics..not so much. He said her window had been opened when they left soo…

Anywho so after about a half hour of waiting, people started to leave slowly. First I saw Noot, then Xavier came out and was on his phone. I waited and asked if when he had a sec I could get a pic and he said of course. Loved him. He let me take a second pic when the first one was messed up. Then Justin, Bronson, Kiowa, Daniel, and Charlie *swoon* came out together. Charlie is like the male version of fierce lol Daniel…he’s fucking tall. Justin was drunk..bless his heart lol Bronson..what a sweet heart. Ill do a little run down of each of them.

Justin – I asked if I could take a pic with him and he said sure! And kinda tripped down to where I was lol My friend later showed him the pic of me and him where he looks drunk and he goes ‘oh my god I think I had been drinking’ lolz

Bronson – adorable. Simply the cutest. I said “Can I get a pic with you” and he goes “no the real question is can I get a pic with youuuu” lol I love him.

Daniel – I was on my tippy toes and still barely came to his shoulder. He’s a giant. But very sweet.

Charlie - *unf* I cant even…what a sexy ass.

Kiowa – Great as always.

The guys were so cool with the paps too. They let them take their pics, they signed as many autographs as they wanted, Xavier chatted with TMZ. There was no hiding. They were very polite. I have nothing but good things to say.

So we leave and start walking down the sidewalk with the autograph hound when he gets a phone call. Someone was telling him Jackson was walking down the sidewalk. We were confused which sidewalk until we looked up and I noticed Ben (longer hair ben) from the 100 monkeys. He was walking with his band and some girl. I walked up to Jackson and very shyly might I add, asked for a pic. Im always nervous when I meet Jackson. Im waiting for him to be like badass and say no lmfao But like always he is nice. He said Of course sweetheart. We talk our pic and he asked if I had fun at the premiere and I said ya it was great! I told him to have a good night and he said thanks so much! And then caught up with his band. For some reason not a lot of people recognize him…*shrugs*

And that was it. It was the best experience of my life. I cant wait for Eclipse J

Via Pattinsonlife


  1. Wow. That sounds awesome! I'll admit it- I'm jealous lol. If you haven't already, you should totally listen to/buy the 100 monkeys cd Grape. Grape=AWESOME!

  2. Hey- thanks for sharing your experience- I am planning to travel from FLA to LA for the Eclipse premiere & I'd love to ask you a bunch of questions to plan my trip- can we chat/email?
