Saturday, January 9, 2010

Another picture of Rob & Kristen

So what do you think?

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  1. i think they are one of the most un-romantic couples ever...bella and edwart they ain't

  2. i agree isabel. they aren't holding hands and in most reports of people spotting them somewhere their aren't any PDAS. i think they are just friends. ashley greene and kellan lutz hang out all the time and no one hounds them????? why because kellan HAD a girlfriend???? he doesn't seem to now....

  3. I think it does look like they are holding hands...

  4. ha ha she has her hands in her jacket pockets and is walking ahead of him
    I LOVE that you think they are holding hands...proof that this is never going to end LOL
    oh and i meant Bella and Edward(not edwart of course...)

  5. For god's sake, mybe the can't hold hands when they aren't sure that nobody takes a picture anywhere of them. Would also be weird if they ever hold hands, kiss or hug. Which couple does?

    Just supid people think kristen would fly all the way to London to just hang out with rob. *.

    Get it.

  6. I agree with Isabel and Kelly. Her hands are in her pocket... Another website was even questioning whether that is even Rob or not. I think they're together, since I don't think she'd fly all the way to London to "hang out" with him. I'm just glad their happy.

  7. i think they are holding hands. if you zoom in on her right hand, it isn't in her pocket or hanging.

  8. I was 50/50 until I saw it with the zoom:

    Now I'm sold. Not that it matters, because people still doubt the Paris pics. Oh, yeah, and Sam's sister said they were holding hands but of course she's a liar. If there was a sex tape that got leaked haters/nonsteners/cynics et al would still try to poke holes. Why are we even here talking about this? LOL. They're HAPPY, let's MOVE ON.

  9. i think he's really holding hands with tomstu.

  10. oh crap I looked at the Bigger is impossible to tell. It is too blurry and she is walking in front and there is too much sunlight...people will see what they want to
    Anyway, who cares? they are obviously together...whatever that of their lives? friends with benefits? who knows?
    Rob has been crushing on her forever and he is 23 years old he obviously knows what he is doing and i say leave it at that.

  11. LOL some people are really in denial about Rob & Kristen, do they think that if he is not dating her that they would have a chance with him.

    why would Kristen fly from LA to London to spend New years with Rob if they are not together...because they are friends i think not!!!

  12. Even looking at the bigger pic it's almost impossible to tell. It looks like Rob's left hand is closed/holding something but I can def see KStew's hand in her pocket.

  13. I think they are so stupid!!!!really stupid!!!

  14. They're together and that's it! It doesn't matter if their holding hands or not, they're happy! And I'm so happy to see them to!!:)

  15. I think she will leave him as soon as she finds someone better for her career. I don't know her, so maybe she is the kindest girl in the world, I am only supposing on what I see from pictures and comments. But I really don't like her. He is really in love with her, but tell me when they will have time to see eachother again? So a long distance love in Hollywood? This will never works, sorry for Robert. I think he needs a "normal" girl outside the crazy world he is living in, like Matt Damon did. I think Kristen will break his heart, my opinion.

  16. They are just friends.

  17. hard to tell as always...just leave them alone!!!!

  18. I don't care who she holds hands with as long as she keeps her paws off TomStu!

    Whether they are holding hands or not at this particular instant tells us nothing. The fact that she is there with all his friends sort of does.

    Long distance relationships are tough though.

  19. 'I think she will leave him as soon as she finds someone better for her career.'

    Kristen is not a pubilicity whore. She's in Rob's life, get over it and deal with it.

  20. @ kaiyalopez

    well I think only the time will show who is right or not :P

    "Kristen is not a pubilicity whore."

    well no, she is the perfect girl hi hi, never never will Kristen do something bad, the sweet innocent Bella Swan ehmm Kristen Stewart is just sooo perfect ... I do not need to get over it or deal with it, I just don't confuse Kristen with Bella.

    But Kristen is not Bella.

  21. This is so stupid, all of you discusting for a picture that does not show anything !

    is a 100% sure that is kirsten and rob ? NO

    besides, why they have to act the way we want ?

    i like rob a lot, that's why i live him alone !!!!

  22. Why does people think that Kristen can't fly there to be with Rob as friends? Hell, If had a friend living in Europe and if I had the money and the time. hell yeah, I would be going. THere is nothing wrong with it. It doesn't confirm anything. I have guy friends and I'll grab onto their arm just like Kristen did in Paris.

    I'm on the fence. I don't care if they are a couple, I just think they are good friends and no benefits. I don't think Rob is like that. He is a gentleman. They have been through so much throughout this whole thing. She was there for him in Paris last year with Twilight when he was so upset witht the crowds.
    People want them together so bad, because they play Edward and Bella. I don't see that type of chemistry with them onscreen.
    And the pic, how can anyone tell they are holding hands? I sure as can't. I cropped and zoomed and it is too blurry. My opinion, it looks like her hand is her pocket.
    People need to get a life. Me too. And leave them a lone. Friends can do this kind of stuff.

  23. ok, i have looked and looked at this picture so many times. I was really unsure about them holding hands. Then I saw another, better quality picture and became about 99% sure that they could be. In the picture her left arm is def. in her pocket because of the angle. With the right arm the angle is off and the pattern of the jacket is wrong. So its more likely that they are holding hands. I don't care regardless, because I believe they are together. I could care less what anyone else says. I think they make a womderful couple. The reason that they have to watch what they do and all is because of the papz and the media. They are beautiful together and I hope they are happy and they keep their heads level. If they do that, they could make each other happy for a long time. The fact that they went through alot together helps very much. I don't understand why people want to put them down and criticize them for being in love and happy. Its beyond me really. But if they are they are and if they aren't then they aren't. personally I think they are. I am not going to be upset if they aren't though. I am just rambling now though, so I am going to stop! But in the picture I do think they are holding hands.

  24. They are together, but we have to stop this madness !!!!

    we have to leave them alone !

  25. Im not really sure that these two peopole are Rob abd kristen...

  26. The girl left is KStew, about the guy no idea, could be Rob ... we know already they are together over there ...

  27. in my opinion, i believe they are together, but ppl c'mon do u think that maybe we should give them a lil privacy. they show and tell almost everything they do on camera, they hide nothing, but i guess the relationship status is the only thing that is THEIRS.

    p.s. i wonder who takes all those looks like there are no paparazzi around, lol

  28. 2nd interview of girl who took photo with Rob, by Isle of White "Country Press" Online:
    ... Ventnor on New Year’s Eve ... the Victorian town ... outside Somerfield on the High Street. Medina High School student Hollie Hayes, 13, ... She told the CP: “I was with my mum, Dawn, shopping when I saw them with a group of friends. I just shouted ‘Oh my God’ and then approached them. Rob Pattinson was really nice.” One of the pair’s friends took the pictures for Hollie, before they swiftly departed and were later spotted at the St Boniface Arms and the Spyglass Inn, on New Year’s Eve.
    (1st interview by Isle of White Radio )
