Thursday, December 17, 2009

Robert Pattinson Swine Flu Story Is Complete Hogwash

The latest Robert Pattinson rumor claims the heartthrob “lashed out at a female fan after she kissed him.”

According to the story, picked up by several outlets, a “girl jumped out of a stopped car and kissed the New Moon actor before admitting she had the swine flu.” The young fan supposedly told Pattinson, “My mom wouldn’t pull the car over to let me out because I’m just getting over the swine flu…so I jumped out at the red light just to see you.”

The piece then states, Pattinson “shoved the girl away and yelled, ‘You have the swine flu?!…What the hell are you doing kissing anyone?’”

Oddly, while the story reports Pattinson “lashed out,” “shoved,” and “yelled” at a young female fan, it neglects to mention such key components as WHERE and WHEN this allegedly occurred.

Not only did we suspect there was no trough to this pig tale, but Pattinson’s rep also confirmed to Gossip Cop that this “never happened.”

Gossip Cop

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