Sunday, December 20, 2009

Rob On The Cover Of A Children's Book in Russia?

Thanks to grenada and akitashka via lion_lamb


  1. That was a good laugh... And is that George Clooney on the left?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. the lady i guess is blonde ashley greene. robossesion has really reached cosmic proportions

  4. Well, thats because here in Russia Rob is still just a pretty face from HP, he is not that it or not.
    So cover-designers are using his face for free...
    And I see.

  5. can't agree that RP is not that famous)))

  6. NO in a center is Russian actress and NO in Russian he is as popular as here.....just because the writer or a person who is responsible for the cover decided that it would be a good pic because Rob is very lovable and it's not really a children's book, so that was done for ppl to buy a book!....But this is funny very funny!

  7. Alexandra Druzhinina "" it's fantasty story about one girl who was a student but once she was captured by werewolf (or somebody like that). But while there is dark world there will be always light world and somebody who is eager to give his life for you and so on. the price of the book is only 105 rubles ($3.50) so it's not a great's more for reading in the bathroom or on the metro and just forget. I live in Russia and my friend translated this for me :)
