Sunday, December 13, 2009

Rob and Kristen in old Italian magazine

From mayfrayn on Pattinsonlife

I found an article about Rob and Kristen in the 18/11/2009 issue of Italian magazine OGGI. The article said nothing new, only the usual gossip about them, but I translated it, if some of you want to have a laugh.

My traslation, sorry for my English:

While the movie is coming out, we reveal the secrets of the heroes of “New Moon”.
Love returns between Robert and Kristen.
Twilight saga set unite them before, then split them. Now a kiss ratified the peace between Pattinson and Stewart. Here is what really happened.

Before becoming the most famous vampire on Earth ( he deposed even Dracula ), he lived in total anonymity, practically in a sort of catacomb inhabited only by friends, his family and his band, the Bad Girls. He dreamt to be a musician, and he finished on a set, instead.
Today Robert Pattinson, Londoner, the gorgeous and uncombed star of the Twilight saga, is forced to go around with bodyguards ( “I know, this is sad, but I’m becoming used to it” ), to perform the sport in which he is better ( the escape from a horde of crazy girls ), add to close himself in hotel, for the impossibility to walk freely on the streets.
Stalked by his celebrity after the role of good vampire Edward Cullen in the first movie Twilight ( drawn by the book of Stephenie Meyer ) and now in the sequel New Moon, coming out in Italy on November 18th. Sexy star of the moment, most desirable actor of Hollywood, the hottest: R-Pattz, how fans call him, won all nominations like heartthrob in American and British magazines. But his heart, if we have to take the hammering voices’advice, belongs to one person only.
The other celebrity of the story is American actress Kristen Stewart, 19 years old. Grown in LA, become famous with the role of the diabetic daughter of Jodie Foster in panic Room, now she is for everyone Bella Swan, the girl that, on the screen, falls in love with the vampire. Perhaps, however, not only on the screen. Since they met at Twilight screen tests, the two are inseparable.
He is shy ( he took half pill of Valium to handle the meeting with the producers ), she is cheeky ( she curse a lot ). He is insecure ( in every interview he repeats: I feel like an idiot ), she is arrogant ( “ I don’t mind what people think” ). He is clumsy ( “ I can’t manage my popularity” ), she is imperturbable ( “I don’t intend to speak about my private life. Full stop” ). Different, but united by this sensational adventure, that transformed a dark movie about vampires in a global phenomenon like Harry Potter. Twilight-mania is a contagious fever, and it is spread all around the world, creting a business of 380 millions of dollars. After New Moon, Eclipse will follow, the third book of Meyer, and the movie adaptation is almost finished.
It is just on the set that the first heartbeats and the first fights consumed. After a honeymoon period, in fact, the two actors broke up, exactly like happens in the second chapter of the novel. Of course, Kristen did it ( “ she is the one who wears the pants”, the journalist of Harper’s Bazaar, who interviewed them, said. ).
According to American tablid OK!, R-Pattz had become too sticky, and he run too fast for rebel Kristen’s taste. He even spoke about marriage, and her blood run cold, just to remain in theme with vampires. Besides, the distance played its role: Robert lives still in London and she lives in LA. The break up made happy millions of girls, who consider Pattinson the most beautiful man of the planet, and hunt him without rest. But the joy lasted a short time. Just during New Moon’s promotion the vampire made his move and it seems that he succeeded to win back his Bella.
Us Weekly magazine reveals that the two of them spent night together in the luxury Hollywood hotel Chateau Marmont. The following morning, after months during which they travelled separately, with different entourages, they did breakfast together at Noah’s Bagel ( if you are curious, he took a bagel with walnut cheese, and she with butter and blueberries jam ), and then they went to a private screening of New Moon. During a break, they came out for smoking, they were embraced and at one moment he duck his head and kissed her on her lips. Word of eyewitness, anonymous of course. Peace done, then. Even if Robert and Kristen are trying
desperately to defend that bit of privacy that remain to them.
Pattinson swears to Harper’s Bazaar: “ We are only friends, I am single and despite the popularity I can’t find a girlfriend”. These words haven’t mislead anyone. Even because, in the same interview, the beautiful vampire admits, blushing: “ Kristen is really unique. It doesn’t happen often to meet one like her”. She says about him: “ He is a very good musician, listening to him is breathtaking”.
Little imbalances that, if they are not a prove of the love story, need to be filed as clues. Even if it is not love, it is certainly proximity and affection. It is easier to face and manage together the popularity that invested them like a twister. “ I don’t want to be a star like Angelina Jolie”, Kristen confessed. “ There is nothing desirable in being famous. I am simply an actress, for me it is bizarre that there are so many people obsessed about me and Robert”. Always overconfident, Kristen. But being acclaimed by the fans must not be so unpleasant. Provided that there is always her favourite vampire beside her.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for translating this beautiful tribute to Robsten's love!

    I will add it to my collection of Robsten documentation at Mahalo.
