Thursday, June 4, 2009

US, Star, Life&Style and OK Scans

A huge thanks to Robert Pattinson Unlimited for all the scans


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  4. Looked at the Life on the A List scan, and the photo of R Pattz with the Filson bag was taken at LHR (London Heathrow)possibly even last yr, not of him on his way to Italy. Journos never let accuracy interfere with a smidgeon of a story ;)

  5. I enjoy your blog, it let me know what mags I still need to get to complete this weeks Rob Pattz Obsession Scrap Book! lolz..I already wrote "OK" because i have a subscription to them & have yet to receive the June 15th issue :(
    I just created a twilight Blog myself..Twilights Muse it is called..Check it out for me..Tell me what u think :)

    Thanx Hun!
