Monday, June 15, 2009

Remember Me - Day One - Part 2

More pictures

Being mobbed by "fans"

On the set

HQ Pictures

Rob's trailer

One more video of filming

Report from a fan

EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Teen Dreams Come True On Set of Robert Pattinson's New Movie

One brave teenage girl made her dream come true at the set of Robert Pattinson's new movie in New York on Monday.

A crowd of teenage girls is watching Rpatz's every move as he films his new movie and is on the set. He has spent much of the day shooting one scene over and over at Washington Square Park, adjacent to the campus of New York University.

And one teenager seized the opportunity to get up close and personal with her idol!

While the Twilight star walked up and down Washington Square East for the scene, 15-year-old Krystal Zamora decided it was now or never to meet Rpatz.

Krystal, from Manhattan's Upper East Side, told "As Rob was about to shoot a scene, I knew this was my only chance to talk to him. So I just walked out in front of him -- I was directly in his path.

"For a second, I thought he might be arrogant because of all his fame. But he wasn't at all! He looked at me and smiled -- and I asked him if he could sign my copy of New Moon.

"He autographed it and just smiled at me. I was really scared I'd get kicked out, especially since his bodyguard was standing right there and there's lots of cops here. So I ran off before I could ask him anything else."

In the movie Remember Me Rob plays a character named Tyler Roth caught in a love relationship while coping with respective family tragedies.

Also in the drama is Pierce Brosnan and Chris Cooper.

Rob's love interest played by Lost beauty Emilie de Ravin was not spotted on set Monday morning.

There's mega interest in the interaction between Rob and the 28-year-old blonde Australian actress, who in real life is going through a divorce from Josh Janowicz after three years of marriage.

At the Bowery Bar in NYC one night last week, Rob and Emilie caught a drink along with others.


  1. I think the pictures of the filming are Great but the pictures of the females mobbing him is a little much and people should respect him. He is a person just like you and i so people should treat him that way. Not like and OBJECT ! ! !

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think some fans just need to get a grip. The women who insist on acting this way are just going to cause him to run away and hide from the rest of us who are still sane.

  4. i like that you have the word "fans" in quotations.
    a real fan would have more respect for him.
    this disappoints me. :(
