Saturday, February 14, 2009

Twilight at the Oscars

Twilight may not be nominated for any Oscars, but that doesn't mean the movie won't be a part of Hollywood's biggest night on Feb. 22.

"I promise you, there will be a presence," Laurence Mark, a first-time producer of this year's Academy Awards, tells me. "You'll see. I promise there is and on more than one occasion."

If Twilight doesn’t give Mark and his co-producer Bill Condon a huge jump in the ratings, we can't imagine what would.


  1. Do you think that Rob will appear in Oscar?

    Vera in Hong Kong

  2. It is not a great movie to win an Oscar.

  3. But the music/soundtrack deserve one

  4. But ... he may be there for prize presenter... really hope he will be there >.< haha
