Monday, July 13, 2015

New Fan Picture of Rob in London



  1. Rob and Marcus at d'Angelo concert and we know that Rob loves that band.

  2. Lovely to see Rob with fans. He is such a sweetheart. A beautiful, beautiful person.

  3. I love you .. I love you .. I love you .. Most forever..

  4. It is nice to see him out & about, that he is doing well.

  5. Some people think this is and old picture because his beard is so bushy. We all know how fast Rob's hair grows, either on his head or beard. So let's enjoy this new picture of Rob in London.

  6. LOL, his beard is slightly bigger than it was in the fan pic from a couple of days ago, it grows fast. He hasn't had a beard like this in London for a very long time.

    Marcus and Sam were both with Rob at this concert. Sam tweeted about it last night. Nice to see the Brit pack so close after all these years. Loyalty is such an important quality in a friend, according to Rob, I'm sure it's good to have friends he can trust.

  7. My 72 year-old mother-in-law is a super fan of Rob. She's very sick and might not survive a surgery scheduled for 7/28. Any ideas to have some words from him? Does he ever respond to fans anywhere? Thank you, everyone!

  8. You could write a letter to his agent in LA but I doubt there is enough time for anything to happen if she is scheduled for surgery 7/28 but who knows. It's worth a try. Prayers for your mother in law.
