Tuesday, June 9, 2015

First HQ Still of Rob in Queen of the Desert with Nicole Kidman

click for the full size

Thanks to @NKidman_Italia


  1. omg look at those cubs. so cute

  2. O.O...................


    I want one of thoooooose!!!!!... The Cubs or the huMAN, I'm not dramatic...

  3. Personally, I'll take the human please!

  4. Right behind you Alesia. Love Rob in period costume.

  5. Maybe Santa will bring us one? :-D :-D

    1. Quite a road until Santa begins gifting... :D... Better a summer present... Hehehe...

  6. And you gotta admit the Cubs are .... :3 !!!!!!!
    LOL... It can't be just me... Is it?... Hehehe...

  7. They say actors shouldn't work with kids or animals because they steal the scene, but this is not true in Rob's case. Animals and kids both love him and he more than commands your attention when he's on screen with them.

    Going by the reviews out of Berlin, Rob is the best thing in this movie. I'm glad he did it because he wanted to work with Herzog, and I'm sure he had fun with the lion cubs!

  8. I know his part is small in this film, but I can't wait to see it. From all accounts, he was really good, even though it was brief.

    I wish Robs films would come out now. I really miss seeing him on the big screen.

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