Friday, May 29, 2015

Cute New/Old Fan Picture of Rob in NYC After Filming the Dior Ad - December 2012

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  1. Both their expressions are priceless! :-D:-D

  2. I remember that day and night, like it was yesterday! My mother is still pissed I ditched our Macy's day for Rob. I am very proud of the fact I got Rob to curse when my stupid galaxy4 decided to mess up during our photo together and Rob uttered "oh shit" which became my text message voice for over a year, lol.

  3. You should be proud indeed! HILARIOUS
    memory! ;-)

  4. What was it like to meet Rob. This is for all the letters and numbers above.

  5. I met Rob at an Apple event a few years back here in London (when he was there for Cosmopolis) and he is seriously the nicest guy I've ever met. He also smells really really good and he's so tall!

  6. Awh, how lovely @Jessica. I would be just a drooling mess.

  7. I, rose2grave, first stalked, lol remember Apple Store 2008 waiting all day just got a glimpse of him walking on stage, damn tall peopl. I got trampled Planet Hollywood event waited outside all day, only a few rolls back. My first pic with Rob was outside his first David Letterman Show 2009. I remembering gasping, he is taller than you think and very skinny. He leaned down and boy his aftershave was manly. I tried to put my arm around him and Dean was like "lady put your arm down" and blocked me twice, but Rob smiled and was OK with my brief touching. I always go to any promo event Rob does in NYC. I won't ever go to his hotel, as long as he is doing business and premieres. I did follow "Remember Me" that summer 2009 and I will support him whenever he returns to film again in NYC. My last memoriable fan pic with Rob was the Waldorf. My friend and I snuck inside and actually got on the floor where he was filming before leaving, not escorted out lol. And then Rob came out, swooning occurred. So nervous to take the picture, I handled it over to him. Ever since our first picture, I know better to allow Rob to do it, plus he gets closer, lol. Rob cursed made me giggle. Once again, never will get over how freaking tall and skinny the man is. He probably wears layers not just for security comfort but to add some definition lol. He was really sweet man. I have been ignored by some superstars like Leonardo Dicaprio and Taylor Swift, so I appreciate Rob more for always making sure not to miss one fan, no matter how long it takes.

  8. Thanks so much for sharing your encounters. If I ever got a whiff of him, I'd probably inhale him. Oh Gee!!!

  9. Thank you for sharing such sweet encounters with Rob.

  10. Rob is 6'1" and I think that is a great height for a man. My son is 6'2" so I guess I am used to that height and don't consider it really tall. Maybe all people that meet Rob are just really short. I guess the camera adds ten pounds to you, so most of the time I don't think Rob looks skinny, just lanky. I would love to meet him and the closest he ever got to me was when he was filming WFE and was somewhere in Tennessee but I didn't get to go to the location he was at. Maybe one day.
