Thursday, March 26, 2015

New Fan Picture of Rob in LA - March 25th

Robert Pattinson sighting! 😁 #Twilight #edwardcullen #vampire #blockbuster #silverlake #LA #discoverla #california #robertpattinson #pineandcrane #socal #foodie

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  1. Love that Rob takes the time with his fans.

  2. Yeah, but that's not his happy, smiley face. That's the face of, get this over with, which makes me think these people just wanted a photo with a celebrity, they weren't really fans and he knew it.

    He looks fine though, all that working out is really a good look on him.

  3. Hey Chelsea, you have seen this little smirk before. I am sure at least the girls are his fans, why bother for a picture if you are not. He could have said no. We can't tell what Rob is thinking by his facial expressions. That restaurant sounds like a cute place to visit going by the name.

  4. Sorry, but if you can't tell what an actor is thinking by the expression on their face, then they're in the wrong profession.

    Rob has one of the most expressive faces, ever. He doesn't hide his displeasure or annoyance very well. I don't see a smile or a smirk, his lips are practically in a flat line, which reads as displeasure.

    I still say these people weren't fans, they simply wanted a photo with a big movie star and he was aware of that. You have no idea what they said to him. Maybe they called him "Edward." I've seen fans do that.

    And I've seen genuine smiles when he poses with fans. You can tell that those fans have respected him. I'm not convinced with these people. He doesn't have to look smiley and happy all the time, he's not a robot. He's a real person with real feelings and fans need to deal with that.

  5. i think there is really no need to analyse every picture because you can`t judge the "situation" by only one pic. it doesn`t even take one second to take a pic. he also could have had his eyes closed in that second, doesn`t mean he would have been sleeping...just my opinion.

  6. You are right Andrea. Chelsea and I sound like luckychris57 dissecting this picture. What difference does it make. Rob is good to his fans and I will leave it at that.

  7. lol, ok. I'm not trying to over analyze anything, and my point is that Rob doesn't have to look happy and smiley all the time. He's not on the clock. He's doing them a favor by posing at all.

    And if you noticed how they hashtagged the pic: #Twilight #edwardcullen #vampire

    I think that makes it clear they aren't Rob fans. Possibly Twilight fans, possibly just excited to see a movie star. This isn't his first time at the rodeo. He can tell when someone is a fan of his or when they're a Twilight fan or when they're just a celebrity-seeker. It must be exhausting to have to deal with crap like this whenever he tries to go out and have a quiet dinner, and even worse when he knows they aren't even fans.

  8. Just because they liked him in the Twilight movies and probably haven't seen him in anything else doesn't mean they're not fans. They're clearly not haters. I've seen Jessica Chastain in only two movies, I liked her in them, and if I met her I would ask for a photo and consider myself a fan even though I'm not a dedicated/die-hard fan. They might just be Twilight fans. I have plenty of friends who have only seen Rob in Twilight, but they loved him in Twilight and would love to meet him. There's no greater level of fan. If you like Rob, you're a fan...and it appears they like Rob. They also look friendly and like they enjoyed meeting him, so there's no need to be critical over them ...or his facial expression. He's refused fan pics from fans before, if he didn't want to take the pic then he knows how to say "no".

  9. "And if you noticed how they hashtagged the pic: #Twilight #edwardcullen #vampire

    I think that makes it clear they aren't Rob fans."

    What's funny about that comment is that...that's pretty clear they're fans. They didn't call him "RPattz" or "Pattison" or "Patterson" like some other people have. Actual Rob fanpages hash-tag "Twilight" and "Edward Cullen". They clearly like Twilight ...they're Twilight fans and he was in Twilight..sooo...they're fans.

  10. Nothing wrong with being a Twilight fan. He made 5 Twilight movies and yes he has moved on from them, but Edward Cullen will always be apart of him and there are millions of Twilight fans who are fans of the movies, but not necessarily the actors in them. Fans will know him for that role. Some people only see Leo Dicaprio as Jack Dawson in Titanic, Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter or Harrison Ford as Han Solo or Indiana Jones. It is, what it is.

  11. So much analyzing, guessing, and imagination. I'm with Andrea.

  12. A franchise that produced 3.5 billion dollars, of course he will always be noted for Twilight and he has said many times that he wouldn't be where he is without Twilight.
