Sunday, December 14, 2014

New Pictures of Rob and FKA twigs at the Rose Bowl Flea Market - December 14th

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  1. One day at a high end antique shop, the next day at the Rose Bowl flea market....only Rob would do that.

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  3. @tiffi, what a rude, unnecessary comment. We all know Rob has over $80 million in the bank and everyone's card gets declined once in a while, it's called the credit card company made a mistake.

    If Rob tried, he couldn't spend the interest off what he's got in a year. Bet you wish you could say the same.

    Rob doesn't have to worry about money. But how smart is he to check out the high end place one day, get ideas, and then shop at the flea market the next day? Brilliant!

    Good thing he and Tahliah share the same values and taste. It will make furnishing their new home much easier.

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  5. @Chelsea how do you know how much he has in his bank account, that is creepy...

  6. Good on You Rob,have fun furnishing your new pad!

  7. Our your man is growing up. We are seeing a domestic side of him that is called setting up housekeeping. How time flies!

  8. Tahliah is not an exotic dancer, but there wouldn't be anything wrong with that if she was. She was trained in ballet to begin with. And after Croyden College, she taught dance and music to children for 2 years. Ignorant comments just make you look ignorant.

    And some of you need to stop being hypocrites. You're the same ones who squeeze when Kristen makes Forbes Highest Paid Actress list, aren't you? It's OK to know how much she's worth but it's not OK to know how much Rob's worth? Can you say double standard?

    Well, Rob's bank account is not a secret, the details of his contract with Summit were published when Summit was sued last year, which you probably already knew.

    Some of you need to stop clutching your pearls. Rob and Tahliah both have a British background in common, she went to college, she's trained as a dancer, she's worked with children, both of them come from strong families and they respect each other. He's made his choice, and your carping about it isn't going to change anything.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I think both sides of Robs fans need to step back and stop making assumptions about everything. There are hypocrites on both sides. I’ve seen these arguments go around and around. When he was with Kristen, one side of his fan base were hating on anything and everything Rob and Kristen did together and now the same with Twigs. Just flip the coin and the fans around and you get the same silly debates and hate flying around, just a different girl and different fans.

    It would be nice if people just concentrated on his career and left them him alone to worry about his own personal life. We are not part of his personal life. Never was and never will be.

    1. You are soo right!! Couldn't agree more with you

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  12. Chris, he isn't parading his private life. Name one public event they've gone to and posed for pictures. I'll wait a long time, because they haven't. If he had walked the red carpet with her at the Hollywood awards, that would have been selling it. Or if they had gone to Rihanna's public Diamond Ball and posed. But they didn't.

    What we've seen are fan pics and some pap pics which they weren't aware were being taken. His private life is still his business, just as it has always been. So that lame excuse isn't going to work.

    He's the same person he always was, he just isn't hiding in his house any more. He's 28, he's an adult and he knows what he wants in his life. He's happy with Tahliah and he doesn't care who knows it.

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  14. Chelsea I think the person was making a joke about the card declining. Why is it necessary to always assume the worst possible motive?

  15. @L Anderson. well said 100% spot on. I applaud you.xxxx

  16. jesus, the mods of this blog need to have the patience of a saint. Let it go, people! Both sides, tbh. Stop assuming things you don't know, and simply enjoy Rob's professional life and the very small glimpses we have of his personal life! If you don't enjoy it, then move on to things that make you happy

  17. I honestly don't have the time to keep checking the comments here, so it's getting to the point where it's probably easier to just delete everything.

    This is not Gossip Cop, Hollywood Life or whatever other forum or place where you all attack each other. If you can't be nice about Rob, the people in his life (from now, from the 5 years ago, from 10 years ago, whatever...) or with each other just don't bother commenting here.

    There's lots of places to talk (fight), here is not one.

    1. Thanks for that and so sorry u have to go through with this now, i just wish these Rob haters would simply dissappear and leave him be and leave this site alone

  18. @L.Anderson,totally agree with your comment,am happy that Rob looks happy&wishing him all the very best on his up coming movies!;-))

  19. Mandy,Thank You for all the great job of RPL,& i couldn't agree more!

  20. Parading, not parading, whatever, it's Rob's life, he does what he wants and we either like it or we don't, it's not Rob's issue it's ours. Love Rob, love Rob's movie choices, love his talent, love his creativity, love everything about him.

  21. Everyone is an authority on how much money Rob has. Try taking that amount and subtracting 30-40% for his team and subtracting another 30-40% in taxes.

  22. I love these photos! It's so refreshing to see him out and about, doing normal things with his girlfriend and obviously not caring who sees them. He has a few more weeks before he has to start work again, and he's making the most of them. Good for him! Go Rob! :)

  23. Loving this cute couple more and more and its always a pleasure to see Rob happy

  24. Its a lot of great things you can get at the flea market. Some can be just as good if not BETTER then that high end stuff.

  25. For the record, I never day anything o n these forums although I lurk. Coming out of my silence only to say that they are such a cute couple! Love them together and thank you RPLife for these pics. I wish them the best!

  26. Does anyone know when Rob is likely to start filming?

  27. Hey Chelsea, If he took her to a red carpet event that would be called working. Walking around the streets and being photographed by papz is selling it. I don't know how old you are, but you have know Ideal what you are talking about. Red Carpet events is a part of his Job meaning public life. Going to the flea market, getting coffee, going shopping is his personal life and he has said time and time again he don't sell his personal life.
    You can delete my post but if you do you will have prove my point. You can't face the truth when it is put right in your face.

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