Monday, September 22, 2014

New Fan Pictures of Rob With FKA Twigs in LA - September 21st


Note: you can leave your opinion on this post, but no drama. Rude comments about Rob, other readers of the blog and the admins will be deleted.

Pictures: sourcesource/via
Video: original source


  1. No drama from me. They look cute and happy together. Good for Rob.

  2. Dude. I'm stupidly excited about this, even though he's probably not.

  3. I'm excited about this too! She seems like a cool chick.

  4. Very happy for Rob & his lady,they look cute,wishing them all the best,woohoo!

  5. They're shopping together. They're already in the barbecue stage of the relationship. Lol
    It's cute. But I really hope that this sighting doesn't create big issues for them.
    I can already see the gossip mongers made up garbage stories. They're gonna be all over that poor girl.

  6. Wow just imagine if I got all that attention from holding someone's hand who is a friend. A mountain our of a molehill IMO.

  7. I for one think this is fantastic! I am so happy that he has found someone & i hope he will be incredibly happy. :)

  8. Glad they can be out publicly and not care about the paps. Rob deserves to be happy and he looks happy with her. :)

  9. So happy for him! His life his choices!!!!

  10. Im so happy for Rob he deserves to be happy with any girl he choose :)

  11. In his six years in LA I can't ever recall Rob venturing into the tourist and pap trap that is Venice Beach. Sorry, she's talented and exotically beautiful, but IMO she's way too much of a "look at me" kind of person for this to have long term potential here. Glad that he has avoided the model/starlet route and that she's an accomplished artist in her own right, but I don't think it will last past the start of her tour and his IE shoot.

    1. i think so too, i don't know, i just get the feeling that it might not last that long. but still i'm really happy that he's happy. god bless ya rob!!!!!

  12. I have smiled all day when I first saw this. Rob picked Twigs for a reason and that reason belongs only to him and her. I am happy he has found someone that he really seems to like. When he is happy, then I am happy. I'm in your corner, Rob.

  13. Super happy for Rob. As another poster said, it's his choice. He looks very happy with her and I wish them the best.

  14. He never cease to surprise me, I never thought he would date a girl like Twigs (not that there's anything wrong with her. She is beautiful and free)
    If Rob is happy I'm happy.

  15. Sometimes people just click: no rhyme or reason.

  16. Who cares if it lasts, if he's happy now, that's all that counts. It nice to see him with somebody who will hold his hand in public, and just do normal things like go to the grocery store. She seems artsy and exotic looking, and maybe interesting, and I haven't seen her flip the bird, once. Sorry I had to say that.

  17. I agree with just saying...I am happy to see Rob happy I'm not sure if Twigs is the girl she seems like a look at me type of person and Rob is so private..and like Just saying said all these years he has never it himself out in a way to be in the spotlight..but my opinion and I say again my opinion is they are just friends and this could be a way to stop all the drama of Kristen that always surrounds him but this may not be the best was to do that either but if he is falling for I'm happy he found someone..I just think he is gonna hurt his image not because of the girl but as much as the hunky heart throb but whatever is best for him..always a fan reguardless

  18. I think that guy is not rob but a look-alike.

    Do not publish my photo.

  19. Exciting news or it could be nothing but I share the other commenters enthusiasm for Rob and FKA Twigs. It looks like it is a definite start of a relationship. I do hope that we see only bits and pieces like this and hope they can find escape routes and privacy from the paparazzi. It is nice to see that in such a public place like Venice Beach that they seem not to care who watches. They are in their own little bubble, I hope they can keep it that way.

  20. Why did you take off the pic with his beard missing???

  21. But left the one with no nose and white space for teeth!!!

  22. Again, friends, let the pass be your guides. For year now we have been fooled and fooled again by those who get kicks out of faking it. Sure. we want Rob to happy. YEA! But, ask yourself would he be this public with a relationship. A friendship, may be. Poor Twigs, these photo will get her eaten alive. You would think thar Rob would tune her into that. Too bad!

  23. I think Rob just wants to live a normal life. He doesn't want to be famous, maybe he doesn't want to be with anyone that's famous. Why is everyone overly analyzing this relationship? Maybe she's nice to him, and doesn't humiliate him publicly, like at the MTV awards and on the Ellen Show. Maybe she's just nice and interesting and he likes her.

  24. Just an FYI on these pics....ummmm the girl deleted ALL OF THEM and the video but one pic. They are photo shopped.

  25. Have learned......that the gal who posted all those pics you have on this page her.....has admitted it is SAM and NOT Rob. The one of Whole Foods....may the only true fan pic.
