Wednesday, September 3, 2014

New Fan Picture of Rob in NYC



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Love the fact that Rob can just stroll around and no one in his face.

  3. Love the way this photo is photo shopped and he has two right arms. What is it the paps don't want us to see? Wedding band maybe?

  4. It's not photoshopped. We all know that Rob has super bendy fingers and his pinky is just at a slightly weird angle in this pic. If you look at his right hand it's the same there.

    And please. A wedding ring? Rob is single. I for one chose to believe the words out of his own mouth, not a completely insane theory made up by people unable to move on.

  5. In the photo - I think - it's Jamie Strachan with Rob.

  6. They don't need to hide a ring we all know he is married to haxy manuf ;)

  7. Thank you for the laugh RE: photoshop.

    Because yes, the papz want to protect Rob's privacy by photoshopping out his secret wedding ring. Thank goodness the papz are so pro-privacy. Whew!

    Seriously hilarious.
