Tuesday, July 1, 2014

New Picture of Rob in LA

Then there's the after party @alixwilliam @ryanrottman #robpattinson, thank god for my @armaenergy lol. #hollywood #armalife

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Almost all of your comments are about attacking something that the mods have posted. You should stop that. It's rude. The date doesn't matter.

  3. @robstensiempre
    8 hours ago they were at different place. but same clothes. same group. 8 hours ago still 30th. what's the problem

  4. Rob looks so yummi. He has worked a lot :-) glad he has fun.

  5. @robstensiempre there's no need to be rude

  6. Dear robstensiempre, i dont care what you comment. You're not welcome here. I unfortunately cant ban you because this is a public site, but I'll delete your comment every time I see it. Do yourself a favor, dont bother commenting. It will be a waste of your time.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It looks like Rob is holding a girls hand in this picture. She is behind him. He has a beer in one hand and his other hand looks like it is behind him holding the girls hand. Wondering if this is the new girlfriend. It's all speculation but interesting nevertheless.

  9. I dont think he is holding anyones hand. I think you are reading too much into something you cant actually see:)

  10. @Linda Joergensen, ditto.

    He looks REALLY GOOD....! God bless!

  11. robstensiempre@why come here & be rude & spread hate?
    This blog is excellent for Rob news love it&Rob looks happy & relaxed,Thank You muchly RPL fro all your hard work;-))

  12. @Isabella Rob is holding a bottle in his hand (beer),& why not He is out with friends.

  13. Nice pic. He looks relaxed.

  14. Dear rpl,

    I just noticed that you mistakenly entered Monday, June 8, 2015 on your homepage as the Rover Promo Index Post date. It's right beneath your homepage banner.

    Please feel free to remove this comment once you fix the mistake.

    I REALLY like the comments in this post. Fans telling Rob 'God Bless'. ( :

  15. Hello Yorah, it's not a mistake.

    It's set as 2015 on purpose so it can be the first post on the blog.

    Once things about The Rover stop coming out, we'll set it back to 2014 and it wont be a sticky post anymore

  16. Wow, that makes perfect sense.

    Thank you so much for answering my post.

    Take care

  17. Who the girl behind him and where his other hand at?

  18. @Bella Robsten, that could be anybody, who knows...? I'm sure his other hand still attached to his body, that's all that matter to me. Whether it's in his back pocket, front, left or right... or holding the girl's or MAYBE even the guy's hand behind his back.....??? Don't care as long as he's happy, it's his life

    Cheers everyone!!! ;-D
