Thursday, October 31, 2013

New Pictures of Rob and Kristen Driving in LA

NOTE: We don't censor comments in any of our posts unless it's completely necessary. You're allowed to give your opinion and others are allowed to agree or disagree, however keep the comments respectful and don't insult each other, Rob or the admins of this site.

Rob is driving the white Jeep (he was driving it a few days ago) wearing a hoodie and sunglasses.

Click for HQ
HQ via Kstewartfans & Pattinsonlife


  1. Me too, Can't decide if I'm ecstatic or euphoric.

  2. Awwww as always "side by side" <3333

  3. Side by side? Umm...he's driving behind her. And they are in separate cars. I don't get what's there to be excited about. Or does meeting up and leaving in separate cars nowadays translate into: we're in love and showing it?

    People need to stop this. They are no longer together. But nobody ever said that meant they will never see each other again. They have several mutual friends so it's unavoidable and I doubt this is the first time they've seen each other since May.

    1. Who told you they split up,the papps,hahaha,just because we haven't seen pics of them together means nothing,who went to Robs cousins wedding with him,and they have several mutual friends because they're together,together...spending 4hrs together,they do it all the time,lol...

  4. Hmm...and so does that mean I can't follow my boyfriend in another vehicle to his house/restaurant...because I guess that means we aren't together. People need stop with they aren't together because we don't know for sure either call it what it is...if he is still with her it is his choice...

  5. This is the thing about being a Rob fan. If you are a fan of Rob and you don't like Kristen and which he didn't love her, man, you're in a bad place. Its like loving pizza and having Acid Reflux. You eat it but it is gonna burn like hell. Happy me, I love them together, always said they are staying under the radar, not broken up. But hey, thats just me. Cheers to love and holding on to love! More pictures to come.

  6. Ahh Elizabeth, what a refreshing change. A Rob fan who is both sane and rational. So, thank you for speaking reasonably and like a true "Rob" fan.

  7. Duh @PieniAurinko learn how to read... I wrote "side by side" (got it? lol) and if you don´t like to see them TOGETHER, don´t jump on me. Rob makes decisions and he decided to be with her almost 5 years and counting....

  8. Cry, little girl, cry. They're together, ALWAYS TOGETHER. We don't need a picture to see it, but for you, girls, it's a proof. Robsten is unbroken and you cannot do anything about it. ;)

  9. @una cancion, You have no idea if they have been together or apart. So grow up. They may have had a trial separation or they could be friends, either way, it is their private life not ours. If you are a true fan you could care less about their personal life.

  10. Some of you crack me up. This is Robert Pattinson Life, right? Or did I somehow stumble onto a Kristen Stewart site? I am a ROB fan. In saying that, I am in no way supporting Kristen. That is his choice not mine. It does not make me less of a fan. I want what's best for him and I don't think she is it. I can also say all of this hating on each other and backbiting is not helping. That line in the sand is so thick now some of us are going to end up in china. Give it up. All of this has totally ruined Twilight for me and a lot of other people. I for one will be glad when it all goes away. As for Kristen, she has done nothing to repair her reputation. There are actors/actresses that have done far worse and overcame it. She doesn't WANT to. To go along with that she has fans leaving nasty comments on sites such as Vanity Fair. You want to know why she is hated so much? I just gave you your answer. To is HER fans that are adding to her grief. The best thing for her right now would be for some of you to sit on your hands. I on the other hand hope you keep right on typing. That to me would be the greatest karma ever. :D Have a great day everyone!

    1. Ditto, Ditto, Ditto!!
      Could have never said it better, thank you so much. The only thing I will add is I REALLY don't care if they are together, its not my life, I just adore Rob and his PRIVATE life is just that, HIS PRIVATE LIFE, No concern of mine.

  11. i hope Rob is not getting back with her , i just do not like her

  12. Sorry that does NOT look like Rob and I see she is still classy as always. LOL. I'm also guessing that is the ONLY white Jeep in LA. Wahahaha.

  13. Love you Mr. Pattinson, but shaking my head.

  14. Why some people has difficulty accepting that these two are together. What power do you have to think they cannot be together. It's their life, it's their own decision, just be happy for them and that will make your life easier and be an adult. They don't owe you nothing if you don't.

  15. Second and last comment: We don't know what's going on here, so we speculate, which is what the whole intention of this is, imo. Hope not to be slayed for it. I just hate, absolutely hate... to see good people and supporters fighting each other. So lets just... not. No more.


  17. I am sorry but that does not look like Rob

  18. beatupcar this is the oldest comment ever. I'm sure you're blocked on the twitter and you hate this site, so why even bother being on this post?

    Also I didnt see you commenting when we posted pics that didnt have Rob of his trainer and other friends when they were in the same set of pictures.

    There are a lot more posts in case you want to waste your time with a site you hate and check. I rather if you moved on and stop commenting here. We don't like you, but this is a public page and we cant ban you, so you could do us a favor and spare us

  19. There would be no Kristen in those pictures and you would all agree that it is Rob in the Jeep but now that Kristen is there you are all denying it !
    Why hating her so much ? Because she is with him ? Because she is friend with him ?
    Rob's a big boy he can do WHATEVER HE WANTS . He obviously doesn't care about the shit we have to say . He won't stop living his life because you said so ! And if you hate the fact that RPLife are posting pics of Kristen also, well you see that X on the upper right corner ? CLICK ON IT AND GO ON ANOTHER WEBSITE .
    Can this hate stop for good omg ? They're two regular people trying to live their lives . Stop with the judging it's getting ridiculous ! Seriously ! You don't have something better to do than spreading BS and hating on Kristen ? Yes I like her, you have the right of not liking her but HATING is another thing !
    Saying shit about her make you feel better about yourself ? Because all I see is someone that has nothing better to do than hating on someone and saying crap behind a computer !
    Can we just stop this ?
    What does it do in your life if they are friends or together ? It's not a matter of life or death for you, and if it does well you have a serious problem !
    If you love Rob well just love HIM, don't need to destroy somebody he obviously likes with your comments ! Move on with your life omg !

  20. It's not because some of you don't like her that he can't be with her . You're not the one making choices for him and you certainly don't know what's best for him ? What's best for him, you ?

    Hahha . Not trying to be rude but this BS has to stop .

  21. It's cool that the security at this gated community does not allow paps to sit outside Rob's home and stalk him. I wonder if the paps followed either Rob and Kristen to see where they went. I read somewhere that they went to LF2. Anyone know?

  22. Wow, all of these comments over one man and one woman and how we want them to live. Fans are out of control, leaving comments on sites that are scary and mean because these two people are not living their life the way the fans want them to. I don't think there has been any other franchise with the actors taking such a hit as these two in Twilight. I follow Rob for I like his acting and have enjoyed all of his movies, but I follow him as a fan of his movies, not his personal life. How long is this war between the fans going to go on, it's already been five years. I have never in my lifetime seen two people be more scrutinized than Rob and Kristen and to me that is pure stalking.

  23. Really want to avoid comments on this but: Both sides right now are being really embarrassing about this, to be quite honest. No one knows what's going on and there's no need to taunt or mock or emoticon people who disagree with your view/take on this. Be real.

    Also, I'm pretty sure we're all well aware that this is a Rob site. Just because some also happen to be fans of other people in this post, does not mean the site is turning or showing lesser support for Rob than any other site out there. RPLife does SO much and often gets news and pictures before other sites, so stop being a spoilsport with your irrational whine.

    Only in this fandom, I swear. A fandom of losers who are never satisfied and who always need to complain. Rme. You don't have to like certain people in this post, that's fine, but let's be adults about this. All of you (both sides) thanks.

  24. Jesus, the reaction. But hey, I'm not surprised, at all.

    People who likes Kristen would say they are together, or working things out, etc.

    But people who don't like her? OH MAN. The first excuse is always PR, like, you realize what you are saying but stating that? that Rob wants money money money and wants attention attention attention. REALLY?

    You really think this is the first time they have seen each other since MAY? COME ON. You can do better than that. It's the first time they were caught. Just that.

    I don't know, always the same when this kind of things happen. Be a fan of him, and be happy. He doesn't care what you or we think. Nobody care, actually.

  25. And the "it's not him on the pics"? please, be real. It's the same jeep, but hey, if the girl were other than K, you will agree IS him in the truck.

  26. beatupcar, ok darling we blocked you just because you decided that we don't like you. You never attacked/bashed any of the admins or the site on twitter. Never happened. And we don't know how to read between lines or sarcasm either.

    Also I'm sure that for anyone to be a true Rob - or anyone else for that matter - fan - they have to like ONLY that person and hate everyone else.

    We posted all interviews, videos, news, supported every project Rob decided to take part for the past 4-5 years, but we only want to report one thing, right? We also posted all pictures of Rob here. With Kristen, with models, with Katy Perry, with friends, with family, with co-workers, solo, but it's only a problem when the person you don't like is in the picture.

    We're not telling anyone here what to think. We posted pictures like we do in every picture post and you can take your own conclusion about them. As you can see from the comments here, there are plenty of differents opinions. As long as they're being respectful, we don't really care what anyone think, we all have busy real lives and worrying if internet people that we never met agree with us is not something important to us right now. It's a site with a comment section, if people want to say anything, they can, if not, it's fine.

    And I actually wasted too much of MY time replying to you once again, time I'll never get back, and now I'm regretting it. There are better things to do than defend what I do or don't do on my - and my friends - site when we only post for fun and get nothing back, except nasty headaches. It's not an easy job to run a site, especially when you do it for free, and people decide to complain about everything they dont like.

    To the ones that thank us, thank YOU.

  27. Ughhh grow up, K is part of R life. And this is about R LIFE. Friends, lovers or whatever, she's into his life. Get over.

  28. Bando de Prometidas essas haters!!!

    Beijo pro recalque!!

  29. If you're happy about the projects that Rob has taken, then you should repect the choise he makes about having K in his life. I mean, together as a friends, lovers, casual sex, I don't even know, they hook up so just relax. I know some people don't like Kristen but it's ok. The reason why theres so many photos of K is bc she's with him, doing.. Dunno. Whatever.

    Look, if you support R, you should leave him alone and respect what hes doing. None of us knows what's going on with them and we shouldn't. Just support him and let it go.

  30. Let them, if they are friends, if still dating, whether they are together or not whatever. The problem is not ours, nor anyone, is theirs. You should not be discussing what is best for him or not, that only he knows. If he wants to be with her as a friend, as a boyfriend, or as he wants, no matter who decides he is. Then we stop. That makes no sense.

  31. Rob can do whatever he wants in HIS life. I'm not a fan of Kristen, but that's okay. I'm his fan no matter what. I respect his choices. If they are friends or lovers or nothing of both it doesn't matter.

    Thank you RPlife for all the updates, pictures, interviews, news. Thank you for supporting Rob and all your time.
    I love this site <33333

    big hugs

  32. Rob's an adult and it's his life to chose who he spends time with. I know I wouldn't like it if everyone thought they had a right to comment on it and we know how Rob feels about it, by his own words. Whatever is going on in Rob's life, I just hope it brings him happiness.

  33. ROBSTEN FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. Ilove RK story, but... The Summit, november 5, Twilight forever :(

  35. Like I said before, it must suck being a fan of Rob who hates Kristen Stewart. Rob is always with Kristen. If it bothers you, well, go follow another actor. And yes, this is a Rob site, but the good people of this site knows that Rob's life includes the girl he is with. You can't have a day without a night. They go hand in hand. And to @bakergirl24. You said Kristen as done nothing to repair her reputation? Well, well. The next time you speak with her, please tell to do something right away. Since you know her so much and what she is doing. The freedom of being born in this place and time is that we as individuals get to chose who we love and not who others would want us to love. We have the luxury of making our own choices. Two year olds are allow to make choices. Imagine a bunch of angry, envious, jealous girls/women thinking they can rant loud enough, scream long enough and Rob will do as they wish. Think again.

    1. I am clapping right now, well said! It's his life and his decisions and we don't have a say in any of this. I love them both and respect whatever decision they make and it seems they have decided on eachother. If other people don't like it then they should just be a fan of someone else.

  36. Hey Elizbeth since you signaled me out. Guess what? You're exactly one of the fans I was talking about. You are doing way more damage to her career than she ever could. I'm not asking Rob to pick someone else. I just stated that he could do better. I've obviously hit a nerve with you. You know they say, what makes you the maddest is what you SUFFER from. So, is this you?....(bunch of angry, envious, jealous girls/women thinking they can rant loud enough, scream long enough and Rob will do as they wish. )BTW, I love copy and paste and those are you words, not mine. As for Kristen, she showed up above in color glossies how hard she has worked to repair her reputation. I think those speak for themselves. Oh unless of course you want to say those pics are photo shopped? I hope you have a fabulous day today. :D

  37. Geez, everyone CALM YOUR TITS! It's just a pic of them driving. A very INVASIVE pic of their privacy. No one, I mean No one, knows the extent of their relationship with each other, so stop being rude and nasty. Just be a fan of RP. It is what it is and it's his freaking life! I'm personally of the opinion that if you continue to tell someone what the shouldn't do, they are going to do the opposite. The more people argue about whether he should be with her, the more I believe he chooses to do the opposite. Just my opinion, but, in any event, maybe they are just friends, trying to be friends. 5 movies together and a lot of time spent with each other cannot be easy to erase. I don't know if they are together or not, it's not my life, but I choose to be a fan and enjoy the pretty that is RP.

  38. beatupcar, we all know you posted your first comment here to create drama. Why else would you even bother posting here when you've made it clear before you hate this site. Another one of our admins is the maintainer of a Kristen website so when she uploads pics for her other site, she sends us the gallery link and we post it as it is. Because, and I know it might be hard for you to understand, but we have lives and jobs and not necessarily the time to carter to people like you and remove every pic that might bother you. If people left this site it wasn't because of this. We post everything that pertains to Rob's life and sometimes that includes Kristen. We don't discriminate. We've had posts where other people had more pics than Rob and we never heard peeps from anyone. I won't waste more of my time replying to you. I just suggest you back off from jumping on my friend because she works her ass off for this website and if you or anyone else aren't happy with how we run things here, you know what to do.

  39. It's funny how when it's any other woman you all scream and jump with joy saying it's Rob and his new fling. How lovely... I wonder... Why on earth are you all so desperate for him to be a horrible manwhore who has flings everywhere? Are you guys hoping you may have a chance with him? Pffft please. That's him in that car and it's her on the other, why all of a sudden are you all screaming that it's definitely not him? Get over it already. He chose her, in whatever capacity he wants, because it's HIS life and HIS decisions and you can't do anything about it. It seems to me that all of you so called "fans" don't think Rob is smart enough to make his own decisions regarding his life... Well news flash! He is! So if you love him as much as you claim shut up and accept it and if you can't then I'm sorry but you're following the wrong actor and should move along to another fanbase. Respect his decisions, HIS life and the people who are in it.

  40. Thank you once again for proving you are the most respectful Rob blog out there! Keep up the amazing work! And thank you again!

  41. Oh my goodness! What to say? Well, here's what I told myself the other day ... "There is this new box set of the Twilight Saga coming out in the next few days ... It wouldn't be a surprise to me to see pics linking Rob and Kristen somehow". Well, was I right? I don't know. I don't think anyone would love to see them together more than me, but Hollywood is money. To link them at this particular time, who knows. I still love them and wish them the best. They gave me many hours of a beautiful love story ... On and off screen. God Bless them and all of you. Hate and mean thoughts get you no where. 😌💗

  42. Hey Bakergirl24. Damage to Kristen Stewart's career? Damage? Oh wow. Somebody please damage my career like Kristen's. And look at you throwing stones. What have you done except hide behind a name like Bakergirl24 to write a bunch of nonsense about a young girl you can never be. I have been following Kristen's career long before Twilight. Do you know the amount of work/films she has done? The amount of who is who in Hollywood she has worked with before the age of 18? And you? What have you done? Please tell us what you have done with your life. The Robert Pattinson you fancy so much, that is a double sided blade isn't it? He loves that girl you hate so much and for me, it gaves me a certain satisfaction knowing she is right under your skin. Stay awake. You're not sure they are together? That will be cleared up soon enough. Time is a magical thing. Meh!!

  43. beautpcap...

    Who the h*ll do you think you are to tell them what type of a blog should they make? Are you for real? After you "told" us who should or shouldn't Rob date, like somebody really cares about you or what you say, now you give lessons on how should people spend their time?

    Grow the F**k up already!

    PS: maybe you are busy, and we are holding you up here?

  44. For all the people who wants Rob to pick "someone better" (and I'm talking to you, Bakergirl24), is there a committee that will determine who is worthy to date Rob? Are you in charge of that committee? It appears you think you are. If Rob is happy with Kristen, a true fan would support his decision. You really need to worry about your own life. Rob is a grown man who can decide who/what is best for him. Also, I think RPL does a great job covering all aspects of Rob's life. Did you expect the admin to crop only Rob's picture? If you want to focus only on him and hate on Kristen, go to Robsessed.

  45. I'm going to second debbie on this one.

    Fans, from both sides, don't really know anything. All we know is they have history, that they were not publicly hanging out for MONTHS. These photos don't confirm anything either way. So fans, be happy, be mad, whatever, but don't be obnoxious to each other.

    The thing about Kristen and Robert is that, even if they were only trying to re-establish their friendship/relationshi/whatever, they would have to deal with THIS. Media and the fan reaction that feeds the media. I'm almost certain that won't help them. The second the start hanging out together for whatever reason, fans and media already say they are back together or dating or never broke up or whatever they can came up with.

    Maybe the never broke up (though that's my personal impression), maybe they are trying to rebuild their friendship (I never doubted that they would with time. They were close for years after all.) I obviously have my own opinions on it. But the point is to not jump into conclusions.

    Like Katy said in her radio interview, the second a girl appears by his side, people jump and say he is dating them. This is no different. These photos say no different. These photos show no different.

    Either way, goodbye Rob's privacy, again. They are going to hunt them now in order to confirm or deny whether it is something more than it appears to be. But fans, if you at least want them to be friends, then do them a favor and back up.

  46. Then those fans should ignore those posts.
    You attacked the admins, you gave them instructions on what should they do...

    You said a few moments ago: " if you love them both make a blog dedicated to both."

    Or they could do whatever they f*cking want!!!

    Now I'm telling you: YOU go and make a blog, post only pictures with Rob. I'll come see visit yours too.

    After that make another one only with dogs because I hate cats.

    After that I'll tell you what you should do with you life, step by step instructions.

    PS: I don't understand... what are you still doing here?

  47. I love both but people need to stop throwing in negative input if he is with her or not his personal life is not really anyone else choice but his... No wonder why ppl hurt themselves over in America ppl really need to be like us Aussies and chillax.

  48. From what I saw in the last year, since I'm following this blog, everybody is welcome here.

    If I saw a blog and I liked it, I return to it. If not, I'm looking for one who applies all my needs.
    Like you are allowed to state your opinion here, they have the right to post whatever they want.

    From what I saw, not many were bothered because they posted all the photos.
    Those who were bothered, probably left to find another source.

    Only because YOU don't want to see them, it doesn't mean they shouldn't post them...

  49. Oooooh, I just read the ENews article, all this frenzy because they met up somewhere for 4 hours in separate cars. I don't see anything out of normal in this. It makes sense. Maybe they are trying to talk things out, get to a better place. For what purpose? I don't know. No one knows but them. Whoever says any different is flat out lying (to themselves).

    But, do you think they are going to be willing to meet up a lot if this is what's going to happen every time they even try to?

  50. They didn't "meet up somewhere." That's his neighborhood.

  51. Omg I can imagine what's gonna happen if they ever get married and have kids .
    I always feel like Rob being with Kristen (for people who doesn't like her) is always a matter of life or death .
    Like you gonna die because he's with her .
    Like you're saying that everybody's better than her .
    That's not true .
    How can say who's better for him ? Only him knows what's good for himself .
    And judging their 'relationship' all the time and making up stories ahh it's PR blahblah and tons of other things . Just stop . In the end, it won't make you feel better. Go find your own man, go on with your life. Life isn't just about Robert Pattinson!
    I used to care too much about Robsten and it was unhealthy, I wasn't going anywhere because I was so stuck on them (and them apart) ! I still love them both but holy cow they don't run your life ! If Rob being with Kristen makes you sad omg my dears you gonna die of sadness if you keep going like this !

  52. I never ever comment on this blog but i visit it a lot and i like it . After reading some comments i'm a bit taken aback at the Stewart hostility . I know this is all ROB all the time site but Rob and Stewart are friends and who knows maybe more .. I have no clue.. .not an insider ..LOL.. however i am a fan of Stewart also way before Pattinson but thanks to Twilight and her i really like him too , so no matter how some feel they are friends and i believe they will stay friends so people should get use to it by now . Remember this you are all just fans we all may have an opinion about his private life but that's all it is an opinion .. we are not family or friends just fans as such all we need to do is support his films enjoy the photos wether solo or with stewart and be grateful . Let the man live his life his way and be happy his way . Also again wether it's his car or not she was coming from his residence .. sooo . yeah . Make peace with that ! .. Peace Guys !

  53. Bakergirl24 is my screen name. Has been long before Twilight. I'm not hiding behind anything. I'm married and have three kids. I have a happy full life. This is actually the first time I've posted on here. Big mistake...huge.

    BTW, those who throw stones should not live in glass houses. Pot meet Kettle.

    You're the first ones to preach that we all have a right to make choices but what you're really saying is as long as we make YOUR choice then you are fine with it. A lot of people on here are getting their panties in a huge wad because some of us don't worship KStew.

    With saying that, this is me judging. Katie jumped on me for saying I want him with someone better. Duh. He was with a woman who cheated. Not only did she cheat she had dinner with him and his family, took the kids for ice cream and then choose to get papped making out and who knows what else with said man. To me, the photos weren't the worst of it. All of the other stuff was. It takes a special woman to friend a family and do that.

    As far as the damage her fans are doing....There is a whole lot of comments on Vanity Fair right now maybe you should go read. Judging by the comments you left me maybe your one of them.

    Now I am going to address this....{write a bunch of nonsense about a young girl you can never be. I have been following Kristen's career long before Twilight. Do you know the amount of work/films she has done? The amount of who is who in Hollywood she has worked with before the age of 18? And you? What have you done? Please tell us what you have done with your life. The Robert Pattinson you fancy so much, that is a double sided blade isn't it? He loves that girl you hate so much and for me, it gaves me a certain satisfaction knowing she is right under your skin.} For starters, I Don't fancy Rob. I am just a normal, sane fan. As far as Rob loving Kristen how do you know? You accused me earlier of knowing Kristen, This is another one of your fine pot meet kettle moments. I really don't care what Kristen has done in the past. It doesn't make her anymore special than any other actor or actress out there. She's a freaking actress, not a doctor that cured cancer. As far as wanting to be her, I hate to tell you this but I have stepped in and cleaned off the bottom of my shoe things better than Kristen. So why on earth I would want to be her is beyond me. I do not hate her because I personally don't know her. I dislike her and really I have people like you to thank you for that. When I left my comment earlier I just expressed a feeling that he could do better. Not once did I say that I hated her. You're the one who's added words your own delusional mind made up. This is where the damage comes in. Before I didn't care for her, now since I've had the wonderful pleasure of exchanging posts with you and Katie I would like to thank you both....I REALLY, REALLY dislike her now. Her list of people that dislike her is growing and growing because of people like you.

    Now since I really do have a life I'm going to go do something with my kids. It is Halloween after all. Have a great evening.

  54. @justsayin I know it is. The article does say that they met up "somewhere" (his neighborhood counts as somewhere, I think), and that the photos we are seeing were taken when they left after spotting the papz. I was just repeating what they wrote while fully aware that, either way it happened, it doesn't matter. That's all I meant. I was just making a commentary on the fan frenzy generated by this set of photos. Nothing more.

  55. Why are there so many clear pics of Kristen and just a few not clear pics of Rob. Looks like the paps would want to make sure and zoom in like they did with Kristen. The thing that hurt me the most for Rob was what he had to endure, the names he was called, the paps in his face asking about the cheating when none of this was his fault but he held his head high when he surfaced for Cosmopolis promotion. When he went back to her he endured the torture again so if he is over it, then he is over it.

  56. "Whichever one of you has committed no sin may throw the first stone at her"

    Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner! Bakergirl24 decided she has the right to judge Kristen, or Rob or whoever she chooses, make no mistake people, she is without sin.

    Miss normal, perfect, without sin, tell you hubby I said I think he deserves better. I mean I don't know you personally, nor your hubby (ups, just like you don't know Rob/Kristen) but hey, it's a free world, and since we all have the right to express an opinion on others, why not put mine out there?

    Rob knows what's best for him, he doesn't give a sh*t about what his so called fans think he deserves or not.

    You ask her how does she know Rob loves Kristen. I ask you, how do you know he doesn't?

  57. People forget that it was Kristen who really gets the credit for having the chemistry with Rob. If that didn't happen - then Rob would not be where he is. Kristen gave him something that really mattered at some point in time and vise versa. And perhaps there was some really deep and strong love. THAT does not happen often. I am tired of people hating.

  58. beatupcar:

    Hating on random people only because the happen to like someone you dislike... Yeah, that't totally normal.

    Because nobody called disgusting things about Kristen. It never happened. Not even before the scandal...

    Poor Rob, with some fans like his, who needs enemies...

  59. Wow..Wow... things are getting crazy here .. it's that what everyone was talking about .. crazy meltdowns once Pattinson and Stewart are seen within the same photo frame ..LOL.. I tell you with fans like Beatupcar and Bakergirl24 and some others who needs ennemies . Now i know why i never read comments or posted any . A lot of self righteous people in poor Rob's fan base getting on their soap box chastising Stewart for the mere fact of knowing and dating him . I feel bad for these women in a way cause they are ignoring the fact that there was a grown man involve in that mistake , and i will not discuss it it's been too freaking long ..LOL.. I'm no shipper , nonsten , robsten or whatever they are called these days , i'm just a movie fan who happens to like Pattinson and Stewart . Right now i'm really hoping they are actually together and even wish they stay together , have children and so on just because it would annoy and aggravate all the people that dislike his choice of friends ..LOL.. if they don't it's okay too i will still support him .. LIVE AND LET LIVE folks !!! ..Let it go let flow .. LOL.. this was actually fun !!

  60. @jessica I missed your post early on, but YES! That's exactly where I' m coming from, too. The passive aggressive comments from both sides really do end up being a bad reflection of both fandoms. It takes two to argue. Neither side looks good in the end.

  61. all you “Rob“ fans are disrespecting Kristen. Its his choice not yours. Grow up already and move on with your own life and let him live his life with who he wants. not your decision on who he should or shouldnt date. Thank you RPlife for the photos.

  62. I want to post a comment gosh! it;s getting crazy

  63. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but they are nearing the end of the mandatory six month separation that precedes the final declaration of divorce. They were secretly married (we can thank Reese W for letting that cat out of the bag during the WFE junkets)and they met today for mediation on the terms of the divorce. So sad. No, I am not trolling, no, I don't want to taunt this fandom, I am just a person who happens to be in the know and want to get some folks to look at this from a perspective that allows all parties to start to accept things as they are and begin to reconcile how they feel about it. I wanted them to get through this more than anything. I was way too invested. I have gone through the grieving process over this whole Robsten fandemonium and you do start to feel better out the other side of gloom. They'll get over it. So will you. Sure, write me off as some crack pot, but go look up the press junket videos with Entertainment Tonight until you see the flub I am referring to that Reese made letting the comment slip, asking Rob if he had gotten used to married life. She tried to play it off but it was too late. Go ahead, it's on Youtube for the whole world to see. I just can't believe more people did not catch that.

  64. Here is the video containing Reese's slip up revealing that Rob is married.....

  65. at 8 seconds, she attempts to deflect the interviewer's attention from her recent nuptials by attempting to bring Rob on board by asking if he had gotten used to married life. She is playing the goof off with the witty banter, but look closely at 21 seconds in when she swallows deeply and pops her eyes as if to convey how uncomfortable that could have gotten. She knows she almost let the cat out of the bag and hopes she has covered it up. She pleaded with them after the interview to scrap that part of the interview but Entertainment Tonight would only promise that they would not pursue or exploit it. They decided to air it and see what developed. Of course, nothing developed and they kept the promise not to exploit it.

  66. "The criticisms about me are ok, but I’m protective and I only react against anything when its done or said about my family and ppl I love." RP

  67. Who says thats Rob ? Coackroach ?

  68. Oh my god, guys STOP! WTF is that? I wonder what would Rob say if he saw your comments, dear RP fans (oh should i say Stewart haters?)...Leave his private life alone, he can date whoever he wants. If he wants to be with Stewart, marry her, fuck her, be friends with her, whatever, THAT'S FINE coz it's his choice. You dont own his life and he doesn't belong to you.
    And also, some of you are fucking hypocrites, whenever it's pic of Rob with some girl you're happy, but when it's Stewart you're like : "NO, IT'S NOT HIM; HE CAN DO BETTER;"
    I'm not Stewart fan, but I love Rob and and seeing you doing all this shit disgusts me

  69. YES beatupcar. I agree with your all words.

  70. I had once this opinion that this is a Rob's site, and had it, what you had now. I avoid post when Kristen is on. Just I wanted everybody know, you are not alone.
    And want to understand everybody - if Rob was with another girl, woman, man - I don't like to see solo pictures with them If they are together on a picture, of course let the picture be here but solo, no.
    And, I won't comment on with Kristen pictures - let alone when they are in film and Rob is beautiful.

  71. Just wanted to thank you for your hard work keeping this site updated. Don't let people who don't appreciate this work get to you, I'm sure the majority of us are really grateful for this site and how do you things. So thank you.

  72. @ Overcode, do I get a plaque or something for that? Oh, and thank you, thank you very much.

    Now, no one asked me what I thought of Rupert did they? He is far from off the hook. I am totally aware of what he did. If he were my husband I would have divorced him like Liberty did only after I made his life the most miserable thing before hand. He is actually worse than Kristen. He threw his family away for this. It takes two people to do what they did. They are both guilty.

    The thing is, some of you give Kristen way too much credit over some things,IE: she's such a great actress, she is not typical Hollywood, she's shy, she's awkward, she beats her own drum....the list is endless. Then when all of the above happened she was helpless, it was all his fault. She was taken advantage of. Good lord, give your goddess more credit than that. Please it had to take a lot of guts to do what she did. All of it. She owned up to it. Why haven't any of you? Her life still goes on. I get the fact that some pretty nasty stuff has been yelled at her. I'm sure some pretty nasty stuff has been yelled at a lot of them. I can't even imagined what was yelled at Brad and Angie but neither one of them flipped off the paps all of the time. Cause and effect baby. For everything we do there is a reaction. I think paps are a way of keeping celebrities heads screwed on straight. We build them up and make them out to be some sort of god when they put their pants on the same way we do everyday. The paps keep them from getting a god complex. We already have way to may people suffering from that condition now. They are called doctors and lawyers. LOL. Speaking of paps, they have taken a lot of blame in all of this. A comment was made above about them being mean to Kristen before the well, what ever it was. I'm sure it had everything to do with her sunny disposition. We want to hate them. We all want to think that they are invading privacy. Which they are but when pics are posted we are all looking at them. I also have to say the same paps that run after the gods and goddesses are the EXACT same ones taking the pics at the red carpet events. You know the same nasty stuff is yelled there. Or at least it is at Cannes. There is video of Kristen at Cannes that has audio so we all heard first hand. Is it the paps fault? Maybe, but maybe if Rupert and Kristen would have gone somewhere private to do what they did none of this would be going on. Or better yet, not just do it to begin with. The whole Rob and Kristen relationship was doomed from the beginning. They never came out and said what they were. They used the quote "I won't sell my private life." Guess what? They did. By saying that they cause this frenzy. Now the paps wanted those first pics. That is the sad part in all of this. You rarely saw them holding hands and there never was a CLEAR pic of them kissing but she gets papped kissing some other dude in broad daylight. Like that's not going to make news. People say she is the anti hollywood, I think they're wrong. I think she is. She has played this perfectly. As of the start of this post there were 93 comments on here. Robsessed had well over a hundred last night. They were closing in on two hundred. They have kept us talking and not in a very pretty or sadly a very adult way. We are all being played and there are people out there benefiting from it greatly. I don't think it will be as profitable as it was the first time. I'm over it and won't buy that new box set and now after all of this if my daughter asks for it for the holidays she will be buying that crap with her own money. I have to wonder how many people out there feel the same way? It has all became overkill.

    One last thing, everyone deserves to be loved by someone with their whole heart. Everyone. No one deserves to be cheated on. If you really, really love someone, why would you cheat?

  73. bakergirl24

    Every one deserves to be loved by someone with their whole heart. I totally agree. No question there. But also everyone can make his/her own choice about giving second chances without everybody butting in.

    Did Kristen ever flip off the paps on the red carpet? No, from what I'm aware of.

    From what I know we all have the right to have a private life. Just because she is an actress doesn't mean she has to smile to those who stalk her all the time. If she wants to show them her middle finger she has every right to do it. It's a free country.

    Nobody said it was ok what she did. But it's between her and Rob. She didn't cheat on you, did she? He is the one who knows why he gives her a second chance, if he does. You know nothing about them. You act like you know her. Or him. Get real.

    You don't know anything about what holds your future, less about Rob's.

    "To err is human, to forgive is divine."

    PS: Kristen is not a goddess and Rob is definitely not a god. I'm only defending their earned right to be humans, to make mistakes, to love whoever they want, to do whatever they want to do with their lives. You know, just like I do whatever I want with my life, or as I hope you do.

  74. Oh and one last thing.....OVERCODE...{Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner! Bakergirl24 decided she has the right to judge Kristen, or Rob or whoever she chooses, make no mistake people, she is without sin.

    Miss normal, perfect, without sin, tell you hubby I said I think he deserves better. I mean I don't know you personally, nor your hubby (ups, just like you don't know Rob/Kristen) but hey, it's a free world, and since we all have the right to express an opinion on others, why not put mine out there?}

    I'm not perfect. I never once said I was. I've made my fair share of mistakes in this life that I have owned up to, thank you very much. You don't know me. You don't know my family. If it makes you feel better or sleep better at night thinking the things you do about me then go for it. I love my family very much and would do anything for them. Sadly for you, they happen to feel the same way about me. Have no fear though they do make this wonderful drug called Melatonin if you have trouble sleeping after all of this. Seriously, hopefully one day you will have a family like that.

    As for all of the ones saying that they hope R/K gets married and spits out kids because they ACTUALLY think it will effect my life. Wahahahahaha. It won't. That's his freaking mistake that he will have to live with, not mine. That's the thing YOU don't understand.

    This has been fun and all but since I don't need medicated or a shrink I think it is time to drop this like a bad habit. Thanks for the entertainment. It was priceless. BTW, this site really should consider a name change. Masquerading as a Rob site and using the ruse that we should support his relationship with KS because this is what he would want is questionable at best. I'm not even going to go into the personal attacks. Seriously, you can stick a label on a turd and call it chocolate but it's still a turd.

  75. Wow! Who needs a tv when you can get so much entertainment from this!!
    I have very mixed feelings about her, always have, but that's for another site...
    Bottom line is, I feel that Rob has a right to be happy, if he finds that with her, go for it! With someone no one has ever heard of, go for it!
    That part of his life doesn't really bother me, he's an amazing actor, fellow Brit & a generally nice guy trying to live as normal a life as possible, that's why I am a 'Rob fan' not because of who he is or isn't dating.

  76. bakergirl24

    I'm not the one who needs meds. You are the one who keeps repeating you know what Rob deserves, or how a big mistake would be if he married her. I mean, seriously? You can see the future? Or you dreamed it last night?

    Are you hearing yourself?
    You try to convince us you know what's better for Rob. You don't have a clue.

    Of course, I don't know your family. I'm sure it's a lovely one and I wish you all the happiness in the world (no sarcasm here).
    But that was exactly the point. I don't know you, I just did exactly what you did. I stated my opinion about a relationship I have no clue about. You know what is better for Rob, when all you know about him is what you saw on a TV screen, or read on the internet.

    "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

    No matter how many times you repeat that you know what a mistake a potential relationship between Rob and Kristen is, the outcome is the same: You plain and simple don't know. Unless, I repeat, you can see the future...

  77. It's unfortunate that the world is filled with such vile human beings. Some of ya'll need help. Holding on to this much hatred and negativity cannot be healthy

  78. Meh. I don't see anything here to get excited about either way. All we see are a bunch of clear photos of Kristen being her usual happy self and a couple blurry photos of a person who may or may not be Rob (but whoever it is is driving a car that looks like the rental he and a thousand other people were driving last week, and an unnamed 'source' says it's him, so it's GOT to be him). I'll save my energy for now.

    I love Dior Homme out takes in the next thread, however!

  79. I agree with the comments saying Rob isn't really seen in this post. Maybe the heading could say that? I clicked on the link to see photos of Rob but I don't see any. Only a blurry face in the car and lot of pics that aren't him.

  80. "people that hate Kristen are denying that it's Rob in the pics..." WRONG!!! I am a really big Fan of her's, I love Rob and I would be happy for them if they were together. But I just can't see him in any of this pics, sorry...

  81. have you seen the other pics of rob in the jeep from last week? IT'S THE SAME FUCKING JEEP. Get over it.

  82. You know, I love this blog, take my hat off to the young folks who keep it afloat, but until I read some of the comments here I don't think I truly understood what people meant when they talked about the "fandom".
    I'm all for freedom of opinion, but I thought that meant allowing for different ideas and slants from different people -- not a slagging match as I've read here. For anyone to go off on a verbal tirade about how many clear photos of Rob are featured in an announcement compared to the number of clear shots of Kristen.
    WTF? Guys, we are talking about ONE item. The ladies who run this blog can publish whatever they like but clearly they favour Rob and IMO they stay 100% true to that credo.
    This story just happened to have 2/3 more Kristen content than Rob content. If any reader has a problem with this particular issue, perhaps they should lodge a complaint with the paparazzo who turned in the photos, no?
    Goodness, blogs are for healthy, often energetic exchange along a certain slant (in this case, Robert Pattinson), not for what might be considered all out war between two or more readers who disagree. Of course this doesn't refer to everyone who voiced opinion here, just a few in fact, but shit, who needs hostility and sheer nastiness that at times resembled a verbal cat fight?!?
    People like that have created the fandom: team Robert on one side, team Kristen on the other, and team Robsten in the middle. And this is what has caused the paparazzi to brutally pursue a couple of celebrities to the point of splitting up. Such a shame.

  83. Hello to all you lovely ladies and to rpl for all the updates. The time and effort that goes into this, is appreciated. You too deb. Have a great weekend.

  84. To bakergirl 24...if you are a rob fan you must know he would never have anyone in his life that wasn't the best for him.. Don't be a hater but I guess you can't help it. If you were really wanting the best for him you wouldn't believe all the crap that was made up by the media either. I just bet if you knew people that know her you would hate her even more.

    Just to give you an idea of what people that know her say, including Rob check out this website. There are 5 years of them.

  85. @ cb75a526-de5d-11e2-9389-000f20980440

    I don't have to like her. Nothing that is printed about her is going to change my mind. You can still like someone and not like a choice that they have made. I still stand by my earlier posts kinda like most of you already have them married and spitting out tons of kids. Or still together, hiding out somewhere keeping their epic love on the down low. Or even better; the ones that still think those pics of Rupert and Kristen were photo shopped and have enough gall to post crap like..."I don't know how you could think that is not Rob driving that jeep?" Well let me see, the pics are blurry. My money is on Alannah, that face looked fuzz free to me. I mean at least the ones of Rup/Kris were clear. I don't know but I personally think I sound like the sane one in all of this.

    Oh and since you waited almost two days to see if I would respond to Overcode you my dear are a spineless coward.

    Since some of you have been so pleasant to me, you know who you are wink wink and I have pretty much kept it non personal to the posters on here I think it might be time for some fun....@Overcode- You're right, I can see the future......I see.....You...... Old, gray, single, desperate and pathetic sitting in a rocking chair with 42 cats. I also see those cats saving the tax payers tons of money in the future. Bwahahahahahahaha...See Ya!!!!!

    One last thing, there have been a lot of personal attacks on this site. The last couple of days I have been here. Remember me stating above that I do love to copy and paste. Well that is what I have been doing along this post included. This site has the ability to delete posts but chooses not to. Not only that they also post on some of these discussions. You know some of the stuff posted on here is being frowned upon now days. Keep screwing with me and I will send it ALL to blogger. I might get deleted as well and that's fine. I will come back. What about this site? How much do you really love it? I guess we will find out. You know, I put up that comment on a ROB site and that is all it was, a comment. My opinion. It's a free world. In the beginning I didn't criticize anyone for their opinion and only did after I was personally singled out. I don't hate Kristen. I've said that repeatedly but most of you have chosen not to see that. HUGE shocker there. I could see this treatment if I posted it on a Kristen site but not here. Most of you are young. I've been around for awhile therefore have had time to perfect the art of being a bitch. I will be more than happy to take you down with me. Cheers. I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.

  86. So sad to read all these hateful posts about this site and about Kristen. People really need to move on from last year as Rob has done as well as his family and friends. Its seems only Robs hateful fans can't get past it.

    People argue about the photos that were posted here, however I appreciate that we get to see the full picture. If other sites want to just post the Rob only pics, and not include the others in the series, then that's their prerogative, but for me that is eliminating the other pics in the series showing Kristen leaving the Summit Estate. I don't want an edited down version of events just because some people can't stand Kristen and don't want to see her in pics. That's just ridiculous.

    And to Beatupcar. The amount of times we have to listen to you whine about being attacked and about what happened in your family and that's why you hate Kristen is over the top. Your life has nothing to do with Rob and Kristens lives and if you have issues, then they are your issues. You and no one else knows what happened, so stop judging others based on what happened in your life. For me, former Kristen fans who now hate her are worse than those who never liked her. Its says more about your character then anything else.

    If people don't like this site and what is posted here, then there is another site I can recommend, called Robsessed. I believe some of you would be happier there. A couple of months back there was one fuzzy pic of Rob with Dylan Penn and all the ladies were congratulating Rob on his 'new girlfriend' and yet pics here of Rob and Kristen driving is offending people.

  87. So much hate and bitterness about these two young people, it's terrifying.

  88. RPLife did a great job over all these years. They support Rob and all his projects. All the pictures and News we get first from this amazing site. I think most of the fans really appreciate that. I really do. It's hard work and I'm really thankful for RPLife.


  89. @bakergirl24. You say you have a life, a husband and kids. Go find that sexy nightie, find those quality Egyptian cotton, the kind that comes from high end stores, make up that bed, chill that wine, and don't forget to make a dinner that will blow his mind. Spend some time with the kids. In essence, SPEND SOME QUALITY TIME WITH THE FAMILY YOU SAY YOU HAVE. Go mind you own business. Seems you are making the lives of two perfect strangers yours. You are spending way too much time bitching over a man you say you don't fancy. What business is it of yours who he wants to be with? "I've been around for awhile therefore have had time to perfect the art of being a bitch." Well, that sums it up. Now we know where you are coming from. You're threatening to bring people down and I am hoping you understand this is cyborg world. This is when you should take a break and step back into the real world.

  90. @Elizbeth maybe you should consider doing all of the above. You obviously aren't doing something right. Or at the very least remove that stick you have stuck up your butt. You've personally singled me and others out and spent WAY to much time defending a couple who could care less what you think also. So why don't you start practicing what you've been preaching for a change. At this point the only thing I've been doing is defending myself against some closed minded idiots hell bent on bringing it all back up. I was more than happy to just walk away but you and a select few keep dragging me back into it.

    Oh and it may be the CYBER world but you can still be found. Everyone has an IP address. You have only had this blog page since June. There's no pic and it is private. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you've been deleted before. Your wonderful personality is also a dead giveaway. I'm not an overly religious person so to quote Artie Decker from Parental Guidance...."There's no cure for dumb"

    Geez, some of you are like a pack of rabid dogs. Where or where is Michael Vick when you need him?

  91. @bakergirl24. I once changed my email address after I was informed it was compromised. Your words mean nothing as you don't exist in my world. Your nasty mouth however is a reflection of your personality, your upbringing, and of who you are. Therefore, I don't and won't converse with the likes of you. It ends here.

  92. Thank freaking GOD!!!! Not sure where the whole nasty mouth part came in. I said hell but that's in the bible. Hate to tell you this but you're no queen of virtue either so I'll be sure to save you a seat next to me in hell. Wahahahahahaha.

  93. @beatupcar we don't particularly care for Robs intense and crazy fans either.

    I don't know why you care so much that people are fans of both Rob and Kristen? We get it, you and @bakergirl24 HATE Kristen. We hear you over and over and over again...but we just don't care. If you want to hold onto hate and let that affect your enjoyment of Rob and his career, then that's your problem. Don't put it on the rest of his fans and make it our problem.

    I have no problem seeing Rob and Kristen together and if he chooses to be with someone else, I would certainly not go 'attacking' his fans that are happy about it. You don't have to like Kristen at all, but to hate on her fans because we do, is just stupid.

    Rob has lots of great movies coming out and an amazing Dior Campaign, so just focus career and you'll be much happier for it.

  94. @bakersgirl24...funny how you think that's Alannah in the Jeep and not Rob. I admit a lot of the pics are fuzzy, but in one of them it clearly looks like Rob with his hoodie on. But whatever, right? If your theory is true, and it was Alannah, it just proves that Rob and Kristen are sharing cars together.

  95. Uhm, I didn't start this crap Emmaline, I just finished it. You people should really get your facts straight. I mean hell, just open your eyes and read.

    Oh and the car. There are a lot of Jeeps on the road and since the licenses plates are blacked out and I am assuming that you don't know Rob and Kris personally how do you know it is HIS Jeep? We all know most of the press is full of crap. Then again if you clearly see Rob in that car there is no hope for you anyway. At this point I am just wasting my time. will make you all a deal leave me alone I will leave you alone. Keep singling me out and I'll keep coming back. It really is simple.

  96. @bakergirl24 I think its Rob Jeep because there is a black and white sticker on the top left hand corner of the Windscreen, which is the same sticker on the Jeep he was in last week. Exactly the same. That's all.

    @beatupcar..,You don't get it. I said you were allowed to dislike Kristen. Hate her for all I care, but don't come here and call us out, on this site or anywhere for that matter if people do like Kristen. You shouldn't care if we like her, but you are so angry that we do. There are lots of people who hate Kristen and everytime they say something hateful and negative towards her, don't get upset if people defend her. We are not the ones hating. We are simply defending our right to like Kristen, as you have so clearly stated that you hate her.

  97. One more thing. This all started because of the pics posted here. These pics (whether you believe it or not) have Rob in them or are taken outside the Summit Estate. I'm sure if Katy Perry, Shannon Woodwood or one of his other friends was papped outside this estate and this pics were posted here, then I'm sure you wouldn't have cared at all. Its all to do with him and his life, that's why it was posted here. Its so simple.

  98. @Emmaline, I do believe that Jeep is a rental. More than likely they ALL have that sticker. You are right in saying that if it had been anyone else being papped coming out of there I wouldn't have said a word. Then again, more than likely neither would you.

    {{Its all to do with him and his life, that's why it was posted here. Its so simple.}}}....It's also in my right to make a comment on it. Just like it is yours. I would have never singled you out for the comments you made. That is the REAL issue here. Apparently you didn't read all of the post above. You asked me to move on. I told you that I would if people would stop tagging me in this crap. Make no mistake, every time I get tagged I WILL come back. You haven't been hateful like most on here that have singled me out. For that I thank you but could you go back and read some of your earlier posts. You're kinda contradicting yourself. Have a great week.

  99. When did I tell you to move on? I made a general comment saying that 'people' needed to move on from the events of last year.

    As for the Jeep, you can believe whatever you want to believe. I see the same Jeep, same colour, same side mirrors, same stickers on sun visor and windscreen and the photos taken near the Summit Estate. Its not a huge leap to believe its the same Jeep, but whatever....

  100. @Emmaline.....{{{If people don't like this site and what is posted here, then there is another site I can recommend, called Robsessed. I believe some of you would be happier there. A couple of months back there was one fuzzy pic of Rob with Dylan Penn and all the ladies were congratulating Rob on his 'new girlfriend' and yet pics here of Rob and Kristen driving is offending people.}}} This is your post. Oh and I checked out Robsessed this weekend. I can't BELIEVE you wanted to send us there. Actually yes I can. As of Saturday morning they had over 600 posts on these pics and I think you have underestimated their fan base. Most seem to be on the same ship you are. I think I also found out why. I went on the two Kristen sites that are linked to this site. You can't comment on them? Seriously? I didn't linger long. I had the urge to take a shower.

  101. What?!!! You say you are a Rob fan, that dislikes Kristen and that you have never visited Robsessed? In all these years? Really? You're pulling my leg?

    And if you think most are on my 'ship' there, then you would be sorely mistaken.

    Let's just agree to disagree.

  102. Probably not a good idea to be posting other peoples comments from another blog, on this blog. I'm sure you wouldn't like people copying and pasting your comments somewhere else. Just sayin...

    As for their site, I suggested it would suit some of you better, as your gripe with this site was about all the Kristen pics posted here. Robsessed only posted the Rob pics. Its absolutely their right to post whatever they choose, as it is the right of the Mods here to post whatever they choose.

    Anyway, this is going around in circles. I'm done.

  103. Oh my dear, if you think anything that has been posted in here isn't at least somewhere else you're sadly mistaken. Ever google yourself? This site is not private so anyone can see all of this at any given moment without even going on this site. If you don't want someone seeing it don't type it.

  104. I really got a lot of entertainment just coming from two person. Never see so much input for a photos. I knew this will happen once Rob and Kris get spotted. I took my magnifying glass to check who is right to identify who is in that SUV, and who is with Kristen in her jeep.
    Conclusion: The winners are who said it was Rob, not Alannah. In Kristen Jeep, i spotted little B is with her.

  105. Thanks for providing the valuable information, however I got that the rules are differ from one state to another, just let me know that I took my driving lessons in melbourne, should I need to take another lesson when I will drive on the other state?
