Thursday, September 19, 2013

Nan Goldin's "Robert Pattinson 1000 Lives" - Cover (New #DiorRob Picture) + Release Date and Pre-Order Links

In a recent interview in Le Monde with the photographer of Rob's Dior Homme campaign, Nan Goldin, it was mentioned that she was working on a "mystery object that contains the series "Robert Pattinson" edited by Dior".

In that same post (here), we linked you to a pre-order link to Coffret Robert Pattinson-1000 Lives by Nan Goldin.

Now Amazon UK, Germany and France finally posted the cover of the book 1000 Lives (with a new #DiorRob picture) and a release date: November 13. We can't wait to take a look inside.

Pre-order at Amazon UK, Amazon Germany or Amazon France.

New #DiorRob Picture

Thanks @IamRobAddicted for the heads up