Monday, August 5, 2013

New HQ Pictures of Rob Driving in LA


  1. It seriously bothers me that they are following him while driving. The lives they are putting at risk is disgusting.

  2. All this come from X17. I guess everyone know that they are saying RK is back together for this pics of the truck in Kristen's house. I'm not saying is false because in fact, it is in Kristen's house, but yeah, give me better proof.

  3. You know this is just dangerous. The last picture of disgust says it all. Leave him alone. I have no clue if Rob and Kristen are back together, but this is nuts how these paparazzi are stalkers, why can't they be subjected to the same laws as stalkers. Rat bastards. Sorry for my rant, but I really can't stand them and especially when they are taking pics of kids and being just as invasive as they are with Rob. Horrible.

  4. Looks like he is renting a new vehicle every week to detect the papps.

  5. @Monica Geller, which pics are you talkin about? coz I don't see any house or truck in these pics... hope some good news :)

  6. Pic 6 and 7...the truck is parked at Kristen's house. X17 even has pics of the house, aereal pics, and you can see the outside and inside and everything and yes, it her house, but still...not proof enough for me.

  7. @yeah, I saw the pics and I kind of regret it since it IS really creepy that these people took pics of someone's house like that, kinda makes you feel insecure even in your own house... it's really crazy and definitely frustrating... :(

  8. I mean @ Monica Geller, sorry it's 4am and I think I haven't fully woke up yet...

  9. Sometimes I wonder if fans truly care more about these two AS PEOPLE or if it mainly stems from wanting them to be together as couple...

    There could be a million reasons why he would be at Kristen's house. Kristen doesn't have to be there, but let's say they were trying to at least mend their relationship as friends....or even as a couple (just to humor people): As soon as people saw them around each other, the "they are back together" noise starts building. Do people (and media) really expect for them to ignore and avoid each other forever? Do they seriously have to carry the weight of the attention they get for the littlest things in order to work on their personal relationship (if he is there for that reason... at all) in whatever context it may be? Do fans really think they could "make it" with that kind of visceral pressure on them? As I said, he could be there for numerous reasons, and I'm pretty sure the don't pay direct attention to what people say, but still, it must be uncomfortable.

    *le sigh*
    On other topics: The car plate reads University of Arizona. What's that about?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. and one more... sorry guys I forget to say kalo...

    Hi to all the RPLifers... iluvthemovies, nimet, twilightnan, Lisa, no one special, and others... despite these intrusive pics, hope everyone has a good day...

  12. I suspect they're starting to post pics of Rob driving the Durango and pics of the Durango outside K's house because they have to start somewhere.It was only a matter of time that pics are starting because nowhere has it been confirmed that these two ever broke up,it was X17 and the people that were quick to break them up.I've always believed in their love for each other and not some stupid trash sites

  13. It is funny how people need evidence, but who ever said they broke up? If you believe that they did, well, you're in for a let down. Seriously. Big. time.

  14. Just wanted to put a little disclaimer about my previous comment: I wasn't refering to fans on this blog. I guess I just felt like musing about this because I'm already seeing the twist media and some fansites are giving to these photos. :)

    @Delle I suspect they are trying to take advantage of the fans. Again. I saw the photos. I don't think the aerial shots (the one where you can see the blue truck) are even from that same day. You can't see the Durango on the aerial shots. I think they put those photos underthe same photo gallery to illustrate that there was a white Durango --at some point in time-- in front of that wall that it's likely to be Kristen's house. I think there's a high probability those photos are stock pictures, and that they are now linking them to the "driving around LA on a white Durango" photos...because they can... Like someone said on the site, if in fact they are from the same day and the paparazzi was there, why aren't there any photos of Rob getting out of the car, etc? (Not that the photos aren't already intrusive, but paparazzi isn't as considerate as we are. The would WANT that photo.) Anyway, now I'm leaning to believe this is just one big manipulative stunt by X17. To each their own.

  15. X17 are into hardcore Rob and Kristen stalking for a while now. Their the worst. Whatever is going on between Rob and Kristen is their business.

  16. Ohhhh kay..... why were there conveniently pictures of him driving "from her house" with a truck load of things one day after this "break up- for now" report from PEOPLE was released? Honestly... ? I question the logic of a lot of people in his fan base. When it comes to paparazzi, and everything else.

    Not sure if I believe they ever did "break up", because I am not sure it was ever a genuine relationship.

    There's my two cents. And I am a Robert Pattinson fan who luvs him to death.

  17. Debbie, that is such an old song. Its back to the PR relationship again, right? Kristen, I am sure remembers that when she is tearing those nails down his back. You can PR that while you're loving something to death that doesn't know you're even alive. But he knows who Kristen is.......he knows.

  18. Lol @ Elizabeth. Just lol.

    Who brought PR into this conversation? Please get lost. This isn't Which is shut down. You're out of your league.

  19. @Joan I meant to comment before, I love what you said in your first paragraph.

  20. Oh and he knows I'm alive. *sticks out tongue* lol Probably done more for him than you ever will.

  21. These comments are embarrassing. If not petty and overly obnoxious. This site deserves better. Rob deserves better. Goodbye.

    1. Rob deserves better FANS. Because lord knows some are jokes.

    2. Apparently I need to clarify that my goodbye here was meant jokingly. As in "bai c ya etc etc" lol. Oh, Internet and its slang and talk barriers.


    :P hi five sweetie!


    :P hi five sweetie!

  24. Debbie the only action you will ever get from Rob will be from a cut out poster of him. By the way, I think he is a good person, wonderful actor, funny person. I see his films when they come out and buy his dvds. Nothing more, good lord, nothing more. It ends there, for a million reasons I can not get into. I see Kristen in the same light. And no Debbie, he doesn't know you're alive no more than he knows the name of the fish that lives in sea. Silly girl. Silly debbie.

  25. Not to sound up my own bum... but I'm willing to bet that you're a member of my site and "like" our updates regularly, Elizabeth. Lol This conversation is comical. I'm in it for a laugh. Think you all need to gain a sense of humor. And I dont think the convo took quite an upset, overly-involved turn until you decided to chime in at me, Elizabeth. Lol So you're just one big contradiction. "Nothing more, nothing more"? We all just enjoyed that fantasy of yours of being in bed with them. Again, please get lost. Lol

    Robert does deserve more. Oh Christ what a beautiful statement.

  26. Ugh. I wish the mute feature worked on here, I really really do.

  27. I'm sure you do wish you could shut me up. I know. Maybe you should leave too. :)

    1. Laughing because your maturity knows no bounds. but uh, heh, I have issues with ALL the comments on this post - not just your little special snowflake ones - so yeah. But by all means, keep reading into things and commenting on petty stuff.

  28. I've been replying to comments that have been directed to me. lol And by my attitude I'm sure you can tell that I found this a fun little row. You can pick brains this way. The comment sections on this site are almost always regularly inhabited by pleasant Rob supporters who're open minded, who go for using common sense and respect opinions. Also people who are at least predominantly in their own lives. Not sure where Elizabeth came from.

    I'm 22 years old. Sure I have just as many excuses as the next 22 year old. I do pretty well sense wise for my years though. (Which- not to put others at expense- I've realized in most from witnessing this fandom).

    I think you were comfortable with your Goodbye, maybe you should stick to it. Have a good one.


    1. Relax, girl ☮

      Also, my "goodbye" was used with a sarcastic connotation, and I understand how it may have been difficult to read that as there's no sarcasm font and what have you, but alas. I didn't really need this whole speech but thank you? I guess? So, I'll ignore you from now on and hope you do the same to me cause frankly I am not here for anything but Rob news. Thanks.

  29. Everytime I read someone saying something like: they weren't a real couple or was not a real brain DIES. Then I remember there are some crazy people out there and we can't do nothing about it... and I'm alive again.

  30. Oh, I thought you were genuinely disgusted with the comment section so much that you felt like you didn't want to be present anymore. Sarcasm definitely not translated through text.

    And sorry, thought you were here to talk to me since you felt the need to reply. If you're not here for anything else then let's maybe not be over dramatic and post stage goodbyes of disappointment from our pedestals. Consider yourself ignored! :)

  31. @debbie nerissa threet I was talking about you actually.

  32. Well let me further explain for you. Sorry RPL, I'm still here in this thread.

    Not once did I say I thought they weren't in a real relationship or weren't a couple. I used the word genuine to describe my opinion.

    I'm getting a little exhausted with the extra room upstairs around here today. That's all.

  33. I bet they are taking it slow to come out to the public, and making sure that it's not going to start another gossip festival from the scums of the earth. I bet when they come out they know it's going to shake off all the crazies and the obsessed wackos on both sides of the fandom which is really great. They have made their relationship a living hell! When they come out it will be for keeps people!! They love each other and if they choose to be together it's nobody's business! I wish God speed and all the happiness in the world! They have suffered enough and deserve to be happy!

  34. Some of you are a scream! I hope to God they never broke up but the press and the fans where getting so out of hand that they pretended that they broke up! Hehe

  35. @Miri I don't think either of them live their lives or shape their decisions based on whatever fans say either way. I mean, really, thinking they would "pretend" to be or not to be something based off what fans or media would say does a disservice to them as individual. I don't think Rob expends his life reading what media or fans are saying about him. I rather think he would stay true to what he thinks, no matter what. This is no different.

  36. How are they getting pics of him parked at kristens'? I thought she was on a gated street. Way to many NUTBAGS out there!

  37. There are no pics of Rob getting out of the car , Rob is single ,IMO the break up is for the best . Rob deserves someone better anyways

  38. nice discation i like it ! safety first
    car plate
