Tuesday, August 20, 2013

New HQ Pictures and Video of Rob on the 'Maps To The Stars' Set - August 20



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Fan Picture

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Fan Picture: 1


  1. i would love to think that he was REALLY only 25 minutes away from me to pick up that shirt he is wearing, but im pretty sure he wasnt and it just endeded up in his arsenal of ts somehow.

    1. Thrift shop wardrobe. What I don't get is how he finds the cool ones. None of the thrift shops in hit have neat tees like his.
      It's probably an LA thing. Or a Rob thing. Or both.

  2. Rob and David hugging. I love the pics. today is a busy day for you RPL. thank you for all the pics and interviews

  3. Misses Rivera,Thrift stores in LA, cool, everywhere else, not so much. It's good for Rob that he's filming in LA and he can just go home at the end of the day, that must be nice, instead of staying in a hotel.

  4. he just looks so good all the time. i'm upset~

  5. Finding it hard to contain an inner fangirl squeal recently he looks so good!! <3
    Love pictures of Rob & David together, can't wait for this film to be out

  6. Hey!!! Lebanon, Ohio is very close to me, too!!! I think if he's going to advertise a place, he should go there to check it out first!!! LOL 😊 Anyway, love the shirt ... He wears it well ... God Bless everyone!!! Have a good one!!! 😎

  7. AWWWWWWW... ^.^ ... Lovely! Robert got a daddy hug!... :D
    I'm sure they have each other in speed dial 1... For real...
    I never thought I'd be "shipping" someone, but Robert&David have my heart swelling... Beau-ti-ful... ^.^

    Just them both in the same frame, makes me want to put a heart around... and grab that other guy, and tell him to leave them alone!... They're having a moment... ^.^

    And it's a sunny, pretty day... I'm sure everyone is having a very good time... :D

  8. Margarita, I agree Rob and David together are perfection. I adore their hug, I am wishing them well on their second film, this could be the beginning of a beautiful collaboration.

  9. @ilovethemovies. I know!... :D... Can you imagine a movie directed by Cronenberg AND Pattinson?... Jeez! I even got chills just thinking about it... O.O
    BTW, I don't know your name and "iluvthemovies" feels a bit impersonal... Mind you telling me your name, please?... Thanks!... :)

  10. Hi Margarita, I generally don't do this but since I have been following and commenting on RPL for 4 years, I will let you know, it is Linda. BTW, we have the same last name. Great minds think alike.lol

  11. can't see the video, is it broken or something? :(

  12. @iluvthemovies (aka Linda) ... For real?... O.O... Where are you from?... I mean, Linda is Spanish, and Lopez is kind of Spaniard, right?... We might as well be family... XD...
    Actually, take it to twitter, ok?... @Maguilita ... This is off topic for RPL commenting... *giggle*

    @Haxy I can't see it either... Maybe because I'm mobile...?...

  13. Rob and David hugging , so cute ! They get on so well

  14. so handsome...very nice pictures!
