Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New/Old Pictures of Rob at the Chakravarty Cup - 2006

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  1. And Nina, his ex. This is so sweet. :)

  2. They look so cute together , Rob is only 20 in this pic .

  3. I just knew that this young man would go on to do bigger and better things. It is amazing to see how his body has changed but still has that jaw, smile, and my favorite, those fingers.

  4. *teary*... Such a lovely smile, and skinny... and happy... and huggy... and cute... and... and...
    I feel like a granny duh!... XD

    And those pants... always down!... Even with belt... That's just... XD...

    @iluvthemovies. >.< ...! You are not allowed to talk about his fingers when I'm supposed to be conscious and "functional"... *puppy face*... XD
    Really?... What am I doing here this hour?... XD


  5. Brown's a good color on him.......gosh, it's so unsettling seeing him with a camera!
    I like the thin wristband dangling from his pale, skinny arm

  6. Love these pics! I actually think he and Nina were cute too
