Sunday, July 28, 2013

New Picture of Rob

Source | Thanks to Brooke for the heads up ♥ | Source/Via


  1. Isn't that Tamra with him? July 24th is the same night Kristen went bowling with Tamra etc ..

    I hope Michelle Rodriguez has sorted out her drink and drunk issues, especially if Rob is hanging out with her and her crowd =0

  2. the pic is from Friday night. Michelle had the same outfit on Friday night in CM.

    and NO that's NOT Tamra with him in the pic.Looks totally different.

  3. Is that possibly Caitlin Cronenberg? David's daughter?

  4. @susan yes similar facial features to david.

  5. omg people, why are you so obssesed with caitlin? she is in toronto, has a boyfriend, and gues what? she is gonna marry him (she said it in an interview months ago). So stop it with that.

  6. I think she might be in town working on MTTS. I'm not saying they're dating, just hanging out.

  7. Everyone please calm down... Its great to see him. Out and about, having fun.


    BTW, Caitlin is still photographer for MTTS, and she was for Cosmopolis, too. She shot the iconic poster.

  9. No, that's Tamra, very obviously. It looks just like her :)

  10. Michelle and Rob, it is so crazy but I love it. I also want to clarify, I do not mean romantically, but even if it did devolop into that, it is none of our business, but I am speaking about two people who seem to be complete opposites hanging out for fun is just interesting to me, she is so kick-ass and he is very easy-breezy. I just love it.


    Check this out.

  12. And not sure how this is a fan picture of him?

  13. I don't see Caitlin Cronenberg or Tamra Natissin.

  14. It doesn't have to be anyone we know. We don't know his entire circle of them. It a bit frustrating that whenever he is seen around a group of people, fans attempt to name every person around him (particularly if they are girls), and accomodate what they see to the very few people we know of ... and even at times STILL trying to relate it back to KS. Why do we HAVE to do that again? :/ He is just hanging out.

  15. This forum is for open discussion and if they want to relate it back to ks then thats their perrogative. Personally, I'm not interested in whether he is or isn't with ks. I was just making friendly convo..

  16. Oh boy here we go again. Another chick to stick a claim, another day. Which is it? What happen to the chick in Toronto, the mysterious redhead, Katy Perry, Elvis' grand daughter? Pick one and stick with it. I guess anything but Kristen; as if. But if you wish it long enough it might make it true. We will know soon enough.

  17. Not sure who the person standing next to Rob is but the girl in the picture with MR is Tasya Van Ree - well known celeb photographer and former lover of Amber Heard, whom she has said was her muse.

  18. Looks like CM, glad to see Rob out and not being hounded by the papz.

  19. @No one special I have no ideas for who's in front of him. The only person I recognize here is the actress Michelle Rodriguez who's on the left as the focus of the picture. What say you?

  20. Oh, Amber Heard's ex? Was it lesbian night at CM? Tamra, Michelle (bi) and Tasra? lol

    V surprised more people haven't ID'd tamra. She's in LA, she hangs at the chateau and it looks just like her. I prefer him hanging with Tamra than some other shady people. I think Tamra is decent and will keep an eye out for him. So many snakes around who will try and sell Rob out or take advantage of his friendly nature. ANd it's not like he can hang with a straight girl without the whole fandom freaking out. Rob always hung out with girls and even said he prefers it to hanging with guys a lot of time. Not easy to do when even the most innocent friendship is turned into a love match. Lets not forget that Tamra was even linked to Kristen in the tabloids. It's so dumb.

  21. I am with many of you, why is it that they link Rob with every woman who stands within 50 feet of him. The guy is young and single, he hangs with guys and gals and yet many want him to have a new fling or get demented when they think he is with someone. Let the guy have fun and I am not saying anyone here is saying he is with someone, I have seen it on other sites, especially Gossip Cop, I have vowed not to read anymore of their comments they have become as far fetched as E's once Awful Truth.

  22. @No one special My comment wasn't directed at anyone in specific. Sorry if it came off that way. But no, I was just making friendly conversation, too. :) In the end, I come here because it's a Rob site and because fans tend to be more respectful than they are in other sites. But yeah, in general, when the conversation deviates to other people, especially that OTHER person, it bugs me a little. However, I'm fully aware that expressing my feelings on the matter isn't going to change anyone's prerrogative to continue bringing up her name. So, everything's good. :)

  23. @Joan I think people will still bring up her name when Robert is 85 with 10 grandkids. ;)

    And 3 Oscars. :)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. @Debbie nerissa threet (lol). ITA...they will be one of those screen couples that live on whether they are apart or together.

  26. Oh... I missed 20 comments straight... O.O ... No pun intended, honestly...
    Well, you all missed a glorious Sunday afternoon (going evening and night) with candles, bouquet, pizza (*grins*), ice cream, movies, and music... :D ... Yeah, I just wanna do some "nana nana"... ^.^... Guess there's a bit of bratty in me... ^.^

    Anyways... Can I change the subject just a bit?... If, IF, Michelle has a say in the next F&F casting, and she suggests Robert, he better accept, or I'll slap him!... XD ... I just love, LOVE, those movies... Might be the cars thing (obviously it is)... Rob and fast cars... That... I just... GOD !!!!!... O.O

    And re: why Kristen's name keeps getting in, and all... Imagine Cinderella and the Prince broke up... Or Bella and the Beast... Or whoever couple likewise... See?... If you got it, you got it...
    But diversity is essential in this world... And for likes, there are colors... That doesn't mean you have to choose a side or anything...
    But either way, I feel for whoever R dates next... Really... And that's all I'll say about that...

    @debbie. :D ... 3?... Just 3?... Girl, puh-lease!... XD... That depends on R's choices (indie or not) for roles... Time will tell...

    @NoOneSpecial ... Blog, this is a blog, not a forum... Just wanted to clarify it... Might have something to do with my writing right now, but I had to clarify those terms to use them properly, so I thought I could pass it around... :) ...
    In a blog you commentate the entry/post, and previous commentaries...
    In a forum you have a discussion/conversation with people, posting replies, about a subject suggested by the starter...
    Might be that why we don't keep long conversations in here... Right? We don't,right?... I haven't felt it that way, anyway...

    Everyone have a nice week!... :D... I'm sure it's going to be Robliss from Monday until Sunday!... Quote me on that... :P

    1. *blushes*... Sorry for the looooong comment... *blushes more*

  27. Rob is why i come to this blog , hope that he had a great time at the concert . I am not afraid to say that i am glad he has moved on from a girl who cheated on him .
