Monday, January 14, 2013

Rob's Short Red Carpet Interview with City News Toronto from the GGs Red Carpet

Youtube or watch at the source (starts at 5:19)

Thanks to @offline82 for the link | Youtube


  1. aww...he miss the beautiful little parks that he used to take Bear for his walks...I guessed Rob and his other half love Canada where they were able to go around without too much hassle from the paparazzis,just like London.

  2. @Twilightnan
    Sweetieee! I guess you didn't see my earlier comment (in the BD1 Kitchen Scene post), so here another attempt to get in contact with you. I'd love to know how you are..?
    Sweetie, you should know that many people, especially Mel from Texas, really misses you! Via me or Twitter you can try to contact her - if you would like that.
    Anyway, I hope you'll read this comment... *Hugs*

    To RPLife, thanks for the amazing job you do! I actually never write comments here, but I wanna thank you for this blog that's so up to date and respectful.


    BTW, when Rob talks about Bear, I'm seriously melting <333

  3. OMG!!!Helloooo @ Holland girl!'s so wonderful to see you again:)'s been such a long time..goodness I miss you and the rest of the gang you can see I'm still as crazy in love with Rob and his ladylove;)..this is where I comment most now but still visits other sites like pattinsonian,doidazzle-u,robssesed...but this is my home now you said.."respectful and up to date"...please give my love and a lots of *HUGS* to Mel from Texas! and the rest of the old gang that you are still in touch with:)...*Hugs* it's great to see you again:)

  4. OT...@ Holland girl..Please say hello and give a big *HUG* to TR from me...just read her post:)
