Saturday, August 25, 2012

'Cosmopolis' HD Opening and Ending Credits

Click on the screencaps to watch

Opening credits

Ending credits

Vimeo thanks to Justin Stephenson: Creative Director, Designer, Animator | Via


  1. RPL, will you be posting a sticky post for comment on the film when commenters have seen it in theaters, to give their own review of the movie, which may include spoilers?

  2. @Iluvthemovies I would luv to have your comments on my journal/blog. Please join in the discussion

    It's so hard to find a place to discuss the content of Rob's film without having to be constantly over adoring or seeming like you're bashing...

  3. Hi SHINE, yes I will do so. I have not seen the movie yet and plan to during the week. I went on your site and thought your post was very thought provoking. I will be there and thank you for the invite.
