Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Part 2 of Rob's Interview With Alicia Malone from Cannes

First part of Rob's Malone Movie Minute interview from Cannes was posted here.


  1. Supporting Rob all the way on this movie. He deserves to be seen, especially now. I can hardly wait to see that last scene, I hear it is the best scene in the whole movie.

  2. A good Curry and a Cup of tea and Life goes on! Glad to hear there's no cancellation. If it wasn't sold I'll I'll gladly fly to NY for Q&A an Premiere! Eager to share views on Cosmo! Ok let's talk about most important thing...I think the Bouffon hair should come back. Rob, please get the Bouffon back.

  3. I love him in interviews! He's so funny I can't stop smiling!:)

  4. I can't wait to see Cosmopolis!

  5. Such a lovely interview. One polite person imitating another :-). So pleased for Rob he is proud of this movie, so well deserved.
