Monday, September 26, 2011

Taylor Lautner Says Rob Has a Great Voice

Says Rob has a great voice

Talks about 'Breaking Dawn'

You can also listen here at 0:34:40

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  1. can tell me about this video next time...I suddenly developed an overwhelming Aversion to this fellow...however with 'The Pretty' a different story all together...I could watch him all day lol!..if I didn't have to do the houseworks and no grand kiddies to look after!..Hopelessly and Totally ROBSESSED!..haha..Dear God I need Therapy:)

  2. Thanks for the article, I read it and the post and I have to say that this all gets more confusing when you are new to all this,just when I think I understand it all, someone throws in something new.
    I guess I will all click in to place at some stage!
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  3. clawfoot tub faucetinsanity can tell me about this video next time...I suddenly developed an overwhelming Aversion to this fellow...however with 'The Pretty' a different story all together...I could watch him all day lol!..if I didn't have to do the houseworks and no grand kiddies to look after!..Hopelessly and Totally ROBSESSED!..haha..Dear God I need Therapy:)
