Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Pictures of Rob Arriving in Toronto Today - September 27th

ETA: Added more new HQ pictures (top of the post) and a few MQ/tagged ones (bottom of the post)

HQ pictures thanks to Pattinsonlife

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Last picture: mrwillw
MQ/Tagged: eTalk


  1. I bet Rob got the cap on one of his visits to Comic Con. lol
    Anyway, why is he in Toronto? More work for Cronenberg?

  2. hopefully nothing involving reshoots! the hair!

  3. he looks so sexy!, yeah wonder too why if he in Toronto? anyone knows? Huges!

  4. His Cosmopolis costar (Sarah) said in an interview recently she had to do post-production soon. My guess therefore is that Rob has to do the same. Plus, I think he would be with Dean if doing actual reshoots.

  5. Hi JA!..Goodmorning from England...great to see our 'Pretty'..strutting along in Toronto airport with that gorgeous beard + his traditional hat..thank you for this RPL...this is the best way to start my day..yummy gorgeous Rob and a cup of english tea:)...ITA..with about "hopefully nothing involving reshoots of the hair"..lol!!our friend Iluvthemovies and twilola will be in tears if they butchered his hair again!omg!...he might turn up with a Mohican hair cut lol!

  6. i read that cronenberg doesn't do reshoots...ever. i hope it's either ADR or worst case, pre-barber shop reshoots. totally selfish...need sex hair for premiere.

  7. Hope so:)..Anyway been reading film critics comments about wfe on that rottentomatoes.com site..wow! most were excellent and positive reviews about our Rob and wfe!!..haha!!definitely need sexy hair for the premiere...still recovering from the shock of previous ComicCon lol!!mind you ..the Rascal still looks hot and adorable despite that half a hair cut haha...yaelfica..missing Ya!!..hi to Iluvthemovies and Twilola:)

  8. But where is Dean ? His bodyguard.
    Rob looks great with a beard, he looks more mature. I like it too.

  9. and the hobo has landed! lol

    i love the hobo don't get me wrong but why those ..erm..bags?? can't u afford better suitcases or smt?? come on! u make millions hombre!

    about the missing Dean...i just bet he's on vaca..he spends most of his time with Rob so i think it is for the best or they will end up marrying each other hihi..

    love to my FAVS!! miss ya too :)

  10. the laptop case is a mulberry. $650. the other one...looks like he's got bear in there.

  11. well i have a bag as expensive as that and all my bags combined r...i lost count of how much money i've spent honestly...on a teacher's salary...just saying

  12. Hi favs..or shall I say..'rejects'...JA..I'm impressed..you're a 'fashionista'..I think you're correct about the bag.it's a Mulberry.. I read this in another blogsite.now..the big one that looks like he's got bear in it looks similar to kristen's bag...hmm..I think it is cool if they are sharing..you know..what mine is yours..and yours are mine..that sort of stuff hahaha...like an old couple lol:)..it's great to see him again..would you believe it..we go for weeks without a sniff of him then Bingo...we see him in LA..yesterday..now in Toronto..I'm not complaining lol! the more of Rob the better:)!!..hugs to my peeps here..Yaelfica,Ja,Iluvthemovies,Twilola:)

  13. @twilightnan, i didn't know that on my own...twitter is my news source, ha! kristen was at the mulberry show so i'm sure she got it for him.

  14. @yaelfica, you think he's gonna spend money like that...you know better than that.

  15. lol!@JA...he is trying to keep his money for the rainy days:)..you got to love him for that..very not typical Hollywood..and as you've said Kristen probably got that for him;)Rob and Kristen are probably not like ...spend,spend,spend..like them Kardashians..everything looks so fancy,bling ,bling,and more bling!!..how much did that Kim's wedding cost??lol!..10M $..it's obscene amount!..oh well..it's their money..or more like -the Sponsors Money..from their fairy god father-Seacrest!!sorry,JMO!..now ,back to Rob..he was looking really Hot with that beard..with sprinkling of blonde/gingery colour on his beard/moustache.totally deliscious looking!!..have you read any critics reviews on Rob's co-star new flick yet?
