Thursday, June 16, 2011

Water for Elephants DVD Available for Pre-order at

HQ Covers thanks to Pattinsonlife

Water for Elephants DVD and Blu-ray are now available for pre-order at No release date or details about DVD extras yet, but we'll keep you updated.

Pre-order your copy now! DVD | Blu-Ray (+ Digital Copy)



  1. I urge all Twihards to boycott books and products related to Twilight until Stephanie Meyers finishes and publishes BREAKING DAWN, as she promised in 2008!

  2. Sorry for the error, I meant MIDNIGHT SUN.

  3. dorym, i hope you're not saying that WFE is in any way related to Stephenie and/or Twilight.

    GREAT cover!!

  4. I think that wouldn't be a wise thing. To urge somebody to do something what she doesn't want.... would you like that for yourself dorym? Anyway, there are very good MS fanfictions... could I say, some is better than the original.
    And there is the point JA. What is the conection to WFE ? It doesn't belong to Twilight.

  5. dorym, mmmmm how about no?
    WFE or Fox have no connection with Stephenie Meyer.

    And we're here to support Rob and his movies and we're not going to do that by supporting boycotts

  6. Buying books and CDs from Stephanie Meyers is in no way not supporting Robert Pattinson.
    She lied to her fans so should not make anymore millions from them.

  7. dorym, so just to be clear, you're suggesting we not go see Breaking Dawn in November?

    And i'm not sure you have your facts straight on the history of Midnight Sun.

    I will personally support her until i'm in my grave. at which time i will be buried with my twilight books. kidding. maybe.

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