Sunday, February 6, 2011

Shiloh Fernandez: I don't envy Robert Pattinson's fame

The actor was in the running for the role as vampire Edward Cullen but was pipped to the post by R-Patz. Fernandez has now landed himself a role in upcoming blockbuster Red Riding Hood and says he’s thankful that it is 24-year-old Pattinson and not him who is trailed around by screaming fans.

‘It makes me happy that I didn’t do it,’ he said. ‘How can you want that for yourself? How can you wish that on anybody? I think Pattinson handled it really well – he seems like a neat kid, interesting and kind of strange but I wasn’t in the right mind to take any of that. I wasn’t mentally prepared to have any sort of success in that way. Even with this tiny, tiny morsel of fame I’m experiencing now I still feel uncomfortable.’

Read the full interview in the spring issue of Wonderland magazine, out now.



  1. Hola!
    oye podemos afiliar? espero tu respuesta!

  2. Im sorry but that guy is an idiot! nevermind whether he is jealous or not of Rob but come on!! you get into the acting business to be in movie but the littlest of attention makes you uncomfortable? Then why chose this career path go be a dentist or a banker! *rollseyes*

  3. lol @ nicole. doesn't everyone get into acting to not be adored by millions??

  4. Iam sorry shiloh.., If you was Edward Cullen maybe I'll still watch the Saga but never become a Shisessed

  5. We are lucky it was Rob who got the role, he is perfect. But I also think Rob has a great support group - friends and family - that have allowed him to deal will the extreme level of attention Twilight has brought. Don't be too hard on the guy...I think he is just sharing his fears and feelings. Maybe Shiloh does not have that same support and he recognizes he would not do as well as Rob. It is good that he is aware of that and maybe it will prevent him from going down the destructive path we have see others in his profession ended up on. It is puzzling to me, though, how many actors struggle with fame and attention, knowing if they are successful they will have to deal with it.

  6. If any actor struggle with fame, than he/she can stay at any town-theatre. There is only struggle with local fame. If you go to make movies in Hollywood not on Hallmark or MTV, than you must count world-fame. So: he is lying.

  7. im sure he misses the HUGE paycheck! and the many more moves that rob will get bc Twilight put him on the map.

    I am trying to give this guy some slack, but he could have said what he was trying to say with a little more grace. or just kept his mouth shut :)

  8. oh come on! that c*** is old!!

    "don't want that for me" yeah right!!

    ROB FTW!!! :)
