Monday, January 10, 2011

Hollywood's 10 Great Kissers: Rob is #8

Who kisses best in Hollywood? Actors can brag as much about their kissing talents as they want, but it’s their movie co-stars who really tell the truth. If an actor is truly a good kisser, you’ll read about it in every tabloid.

8. Robert Pattinson

Kristen Stewart has never said what it’s like to kiss Robert Pattinson (though we’re dying to know her thoughts about the experience!), while Rob’s Bel Ami co-star Christina Ricci is quite open about her on-screen kiss with Pattinson:

He’s a sweet guy and super funny…and a really good kisser,” Christina Ricci said.

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  1. Yea, um he's definitely #1 in my book! (I wish I knew from first hand experience).

  2. I'll tell you this much, the intensity you feel when watching Rob and Kristen kiss is unbelievable! I can't imagine that he is not the best kisser in Hollywood!

  3. How do they rate the kisses? It doesn't give the criteria other than a co-star said they were good kissers. Wow, where is Ryan Gosling from The Notebook or Daniel Day-Lewis from Last of the Mohicans, those were hot kisses as well and this seems so obscure. I would place Rob on the top 3 because his kiss from Twilight sizzled and his Kiss in the meadow was so amazing in Eclipse, I envied Bella so much, lucky girl.

  4. It would be a real competition if : I would kiss all the actors, and make MY decision..Until then I don't elieve in this. Rob is the first. Ladies? What is your opinion about marathon kissing festival?

  5. Loved his kisses in Remember Me (swoon worthy), Little Ashes, and the prom kiss in Twilight, so sweet yet passionate!

    Kristen may not say what it's like kissing Rob, but I know she said she liked Rob's kissing in an interview before Twilight came out (MTV interview)...
