Thursday, January 13, 2011

Clean-shaven or bearded? Rob is on People's StyleWatch

In a Twilight-worthy transformation, Pattinson shape-shifts from fresh-faced heartthrob to wolf-man with the addition of a bushy beard.

Vote here


  1. Clean shaved Rob. So much sexier than with the full beard. Its kinda gross!! ;)

  2. Cualquiera de las dos formas se ve divino, Rob es Rob, afeitado o sin afeitar.

    lo importante es lo especial qe es.

  3. definitely agree with Justine....

  4. Much as I like Rob in any "shape or form", if I get to choose than it's definitely shaven))) (Though I know Rob would disagree lol)

  5. i pick some where in the middle....actually, i would take him with or without, or with a little, or with a lot...etc.

  6. I prefer clean-shaven men - so much better to kiss. But I will give Rob credit, he does grow a really nice beard and anything Rob is a good thing.

  7. Wow! is a difficult decision as I like both..I feel like @Nicole wanted to be in the middle..if pick the clean shaven Rob..I feel guilty not picking the bearded Rob aww look at him looking sad but I remember this pic was taken on his return flight from London to LA to reunite with Kristen..ok,I made a decision to pick the clean shaven Rob ..only because I love seeing his beautiful jaw!..hi to the favs ..and especially Mrs.Deen glad you are ok..Happy New year to you as well..hugs!

  8. Give me stubble Rob with longer hair... Hi, everybody, weekend is coming.
