Wednesday, December 29, 2010

HQ Scan: NEW WFE Picture from EW: Rob and Rosie

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The whole page - LQ

HQ Scan: StewToTheWood | Thanks to KStewDevotee
LQ Picture: Source


  1. wow...hello sexiest man alive 2011.

  2. of course, my EW subscription ran out 2 wks ago. love the pics of rob and rosie!

  3. well now i'm confused...just called EW to renew my subscription and was told there wasn't an issue this week since last week's was a double issue. i was able to control myself from going on about the scans of rob and rosie and reese and christoph.

  4. oh @JA so i'm serious hope u find the mag soon...

    i'm enjoying the view from that CUTIE PIE pattinson right there?? oh no only THE HOTTEST MAN ON A TUX...that is all xD

  5. Hey JA and Yaelfica, I do admire the view myself. Rob in a Tux with Tai, who needs KStew. Poor KStew has some competition, I don't think Rob wants to get on Tai's bad side, but it looks like with his sexy glance he has things under

  6. This man absolutely takes my breath away. I don't see my obsession with Rob going anywhere in 2011 but staying right where it is. Totally obsessed with this man and everything he does

  7. Hi favs!!Yaelfica,Iluvthemovies and JA,..DEAR GOD!!this pic of Rob in tux next to Rosie is Breathtaking! is even more when you enlarged it..Totally adored this man!!The SEXIEST HOTTEST MAN ALIVE!!hugs to mrs.Deen and Twilola,and papagaj..missing you as well hope ur all had a wonderful christmas..Happy New year to all!!

  8. I love the pic, it's very cute!
    Happy New Year to everybody!
