Sunday, December 5, 2010

David Slade says Rob is an enigma

Starts at 1:22


Thanks to RobstenDreams for the link.


  1. Well, David we knew it. And we want to find him out..

    Just came back late to my happy place. It was a month ago i was here, and got tired,that you werent. But Now!!!! I'm happy. Ok, my work at las week flew me away, even I can't get up to christmas....I had no lights up, I had no cleaned... just had work...brrr. But Rob is Rob, and he is an enigam

  2. welcome back RPN!!
    so glad Linda resucitated this site.
    we r here to help
    hi FAVS!!! yes i know u r all happy..i can actually see u there jumping all over the place!!haha

  3. Hi!@Yaelfica..hihi.. loved your comments.."I can actually see u there jumping all over the place"!!lol!! that was true..we were like lost sheeps..well..thank god for RPL and Linda we are back and feeling happy to be back to the very first blog site that a lot of us met for the first is great to see you here again!!Hi to my favs!
