Thursday, December 23, 2010

Chaske Spencer Thinks Very Highly of Rob, Kristen and Taylor

"The experience I've had with the cast is everyone's down to earth. That's what I like. I've been on some films where people aren't very down to earth... I think very highly of [Kristen] and Taylor and Rob. They're handling it very well."

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  1. everyone thinks so highly of Rob, Kristen and Taylor. BTW, just read on Spunk Ransom that Rob and Kristen boarded a plane in New Orleans for London yesterday which makes sense since he spent Thanksgiving with her family, Christmas with his, and New Years back in LA since Kristen probably will be at the People Choice Awards. Just my theory. Merry Christmas everyone and have a safe and happy holiday. Looking forward to a lot of Rob ind 2011.

  2. @Jane..Merry Christmas to you as well!OMG! I'm excited and keeping everything crossed hoping your theory is correct, this makes me very Happy,it's nearly 12 midnight here in nearly Christmas ..I'll be going to bed get some rest before all the grandchildren wakes up..hope Robert and Kristen are having a wonderful time together!!Merry Christmas to all!thanks RPL!!
