Tuesday, September 14, 2010

RUMOR: New Project for Rob?

And another rumor about a possible project. According to spunk_ransom, that got the info from an "Insider

The film is a remake of the 2004 film “Dark Arc”.

A major studio is behind the project.

I was given the names and personal cell phone numbers of the potential director and one of the producers.

Potential co-stars are Emma Watson and Casey Affleck as the three lead characters with Rob.

Rob and Emma Watson have signed but Casey Affleck is still in talks.

Robert would be set to play Viscount Laris. He is described as,

….an eccentric, modern-day dandy obsessed by the power of art and visual imagery to shape the behavior and destiny of the individual.

Spunk_Ransom lists a few reasons why they think this could be real here, where they add

I do have some more specifics but “The Insider” requested that I do not release it at this time. I was asked to wait and see if the involved players would return my calls yesterday. Sadly, they did not. The studio and the individuals behind the project may have “No Comment” or say this story is”100% False”. Hard to say…. but the information presented to me was compelling!

Gossip Cop will probably look into this, but if no one is talking yet, I guess only time will tell. Looks like an interesting project.

Keep in mind that this is a RUMOR. If we get more info, we'll update.

Picture source


  1. i hope it's true...it's a comedy/drama.

  2. Love them both. I remember the GOP promos where they kind of flirted. A mutual attraction thing going on there!!

  3. I think this role would fit Rob perfectly. He could really sinks his fangs, no I mean teeth into this role.

  4. I know that this is a rumor, but I have been hoping that Rob would do a comedy, even a dark comedy. He is so funny and I loved him in How To Be. I agree that this kind of a role would fit him perfectly.

  5. I hope he can sign any film, cause there are no project for him after bd. can say UC, but i suspect it has problems. You can say he deserves rest, yes he is, but if you go to imdb another actors have way more projects in development.Like Johnny Depp, Reese Whiterspoon, and sad to say Zac Efron.

  6. I hope it's not true.

    Can't see any chemistry, and I just don't care for Emma Roberts.

    Maybe if different actors were involved. I cant put my finger on it.

  7. @CCluvasau, oh no I would agree with you if it was Emma Roberts but it is Emma Watson from Harry Potter. She plays Hermoine Grainger in Harry Potter. I think they would play off each other wonderfully and other than Kristen, someone around his age. If you have Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire DVD, there is some cute interplay between these two on a feature on the DVD of the three challengers in Goblet of Fire and Robert is one of the challengers. He is a delight in it.


  9. @natuxaxu, let me clarify, I was talking about Emma and Robert's on set chemistry, not off set chemistry. I am a Robsten fan, you took my words out of context.

  10. @natuxaxu..and believe her (Iluvthemovies)..she is a diehard fan,I know her well:)..anyway this is great news it would be fantastic ..you know Twilight and Harry Potter fans sitting side by side to support the film:)hugs to my favs!!

  11. ah..Rob in 'black' tshirt,sunglass,and can of coke,..my fave hot looks of Rob!!

  12. "I remember the GOP promos where they kind of flirted" this is a good thing? You know, this is the trouble with Rob sometimes when concerning media. And why so many magazines put him most of the time with another woman.

    People think it's fine for him to flirt, and pass it off as him being a gentleman. Charming a lady that's a gentleman thing to do. Flirting? No. There's a difference between charming and flirting.

    And if you have a partner, this goes for any actor or actress. Why make it your whole role in communicating, to flirt? To charm, cool. But to flirt when you have a partner, not cool. It's disrespectful sometimes to partners. I mean flirting doesn't get everywhere, but you know, why go and flirt when you have someone already? He can charm sure, but flirting, isn't acceptable. Unless people want him to find a new girlfriend. Then flirting is acceptable to his fans.

  13. But when his fans and the media pick up on him flirting with women, no wonder why there are so many reports on him being a womanizer or a man who plays the field. Because no one can distinguish the difference between charming as a gentleman and then flirting as just what a typical guy would try to do to grab and interest a woman.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. hi favs!
    u know me...i was going to sit this one out but i couldn't!!

    @iluvthemovies why do u have to explain yourself? we understood perfectly and know exactly where u come from..

    @twilightnan why did u feel the need to "defend" @iluvthemovies?? i mean, we know her, understand her and didn't even cross our minds she'd say anything "against" kristen...who BTW doesn't know nor care what we say, think or comment about her or ROB????

    ROB said he had a crush on EMMA WATSON during HP:GOF...FACT...get over it! or quoting METRIC: grow up and blow away!

    ok i'm in awful mood today, so FAVS sorry...hope u luv me anyway :D

  16. flirting is a personality trait..and a charming one at that. there's nothing wrong with it, married/relationship or not...as long as it's just flirting. I flirt with everyone.

    There are many reports on rob being a womanizer?? where?? with who??

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. @yaelfica, don't be in a bad mood :)

    rob probably has a crush on anyone he spends time with. another charming trait.

  19. @JA now that last comment's gonna leave a scar on the minds of the ones who "wont blow away!" LOL

  20. @La Diabla, I am sad to hear u are not in a good mood, I know how that can be. I hope u can recover quickly, because I luv the bubbly yaelfica who makes everyone feel good. You are correct, in the future I will not clarify my words, I think most people on this site know how I feel about Robert and Kristen. I just wanted to be certain that the individual who had left the comments knew I was not saying anything about a romance between Robert and Emma Watson, who btw is dating someone else at this time. This is no soap opera. Feel better soon. Have some mate, it may help.

    Hugs to all the favs, Mrs. Deen would luv to hear your thoughts on this now discredited rumor about Rob's role in Dark Arc. Papagaj, we miss your insightful comments as well. Take care.

  21. Hi Favs!!I'm also sad to know that @La Diabla is not in a good mood..aww and she was all bubbly yesterday,so.. Yael,u picked up on me defending Iluvthemovies,it's in my nature ..u know ...looking after ur mates back..she has done it for me before ,and I know you would do the same for me..anyway,..now have you had your 'mate'?take L advise and have some if u have not have it yet..ok!..@Ja ITA w/u about you questioning "the so called".. many reports about Rob being a womanisers??yes exactly ..Where?? and ..with whom??..I don't think I've seen any at all,not in the sense as going out on a date ,to my knowledge he has not been seen w/anyone except w/ Kristen..it's nice that some of us are here it was getting quite lonely early on..hugs to all favs:)

  22. @yaelfica, you are absolutely right we know @lluvthemovies, we could never take her words out of context...@twiligthnan you are so sweet defending and all...she does not need defending because we all know her ....She is a Rob fan to the core and as long as Rob is happy with Kristin and in love we support him all the way...We love Kristin too...

    On another note ...we should not be so eager for Rob to sign up for other projects....we know he is so picky and if he wants he would have signed up for tons of movies but he takes his time and do only what makess him happy and what is best for his carrier..so let us be patient..we have Belami coming up, water for elephants coming up and BD # 1 coming up next year....and I am sure he will sign up for one or two movies after BD....so we will have 2 or three in 2012. He also is not someone who is after money, if he was he would have signed up for movies like crazy..

    Love you all especially my favs....and hugs too...

    Take care

  23. Hi Mrs. Deen as always your comments are so eagerly awaited by all your Favs. I do agree he needs to pick the right part, my concerns are that the good scripts are going to the Zac Efrons, Tatum Channings, and others in his age group for big production movies like WFE. He can do independents but if you want to stay afloat in the business you need the big profile movies to be certain you can continue to do independent films. No one knows that better than George Clooney. I hope he is being sent good scripts, I just hope once WFE is released we will see Rob's performance that will have directors like Spielberg, Scorcese, Eastwood, Fincher, Nolan, Jackson, and Van Sant, Ang and Spike Lee, and Ephron approaching him to be in their movies, I don't believe they are doing that now. So I only hope decent and fabulous scripts are going to him. That is my dream and hope for him.

  24. Understood @lluvthemovies, I get worried .I want him to succeed all the way but I don't think we should worry too much..I dont' think even if all the directors mentioned above goes to him, if he does not like the script he will back off. I think what we want for him and what he wants for himself are two different things..so as you said, let us hope he gets good scripts and is able to work with even if not all the directors mentioned above atleast half of them in the next few years.

    Love to my favs

  25. Hi Mrs. Deen,
    Just call me a worry wart. I do hope as u said that these directors, even half of them call upon Mr. Robert Thomas Pattinson with a good script and it is good enough for him to accept the role.

    I also forgot to mention Woody Allen, that would be an interesting pairing.
