Monday, September 6, 2010

New/Old Fan Picture at The Family Stone Premiere - 2005

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  1. there u have my lovelies...missbutton shirt and those fingers hiding as if he were afraid to touch too much or ashamed of having them so long...i know of one person that doesn't mind that AT ALL... :D

  2. hola!!
    qiero dejar primer comen aqi yo soy la haijada de yaelfica nose si la conoseran es la loca qe deja coments graciosos en verdad recomendaria qe vean sus coments son muy lindos y graciosos es un ran oruyo se sur haijada es tan dulce con nosotros es una gran persona entiendo a sus favs qe estan impacientes por verla tenerla con ellas ella me habla todo el tiempo de ustedes sus favs qe las qiere y adora un monton... bueno me tengo qe ir y le dejo muchos!! besos y cariños!! a todas las favs de mi madrina y bueno a ella qe la vere pronto...

  3. @Yaelfica,yes I know who that person is..look at Rob in his Harry Potter's days,compared to how he is now..he was a young lad then,.. now he is a deliciously handsome,most lusted young man in the can see the potential is there..his eyes ,lips,jaw line,hair and the height..well if I'm like this w/him in this outfit, can u imagine what I'll be like when he is all dressed up for the wedding scene in BD1..oh madre de dios!!:)love to u all +hugs to all favs:)

  4. @twilightnan my stomach jumped in anticipation when you said "wait until you see him dressed up for the wedding scene " eeekk!!! i cant wait !!

  5. @twilightnan i looooooveeeeeddddd ur "oh madre de dios" comment lol

    i like it when my favs use spanish to talk about bebe shikito ;D
