Monday, September 20, 2010

James Franco compares Rob and Taylor in the tent scene to 'Brokeback Mountain' and talks Breaking Dawn sex scene

What we love about James Franco is that, despite pursuing a Ph.D. at Yale, garnering serious Oscar buzz in "127 Hours" and embodying a Hollywood A-list persona, he's taken time out of his busy schedule to keep up with the trends. That's right, James has both read and watched the "Twilight" books and films, and when MTV News caught up with him at the Toronto International Film Festival where he was promoting "127 Hours," he spent more time talking about the phenomenon than the film's stars typically do.

While he may not be a self-proclaimed Twi-hard after reading the series, James can at least reference Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner on a first name basis (you'd be surprised to find there are celebs out there who can't), and can clearly understand the deeper metaphors of the stories.

"I wouldn't say I enjoy them, but I'm fascinated with them," James said about the books. "I'm interested in the metaphor of the vampire placed in the high school setting and how a relationship with a vampire can stand in for general feelings that people have as teenagers. And the obsession people have with that is also fascinating to me."

James also took some time analyzing the role of the films in the whole "Twilight" craze. "It's really hard to extricate those actors from the reading experience of just the phenomenon of 'Twilight' now," he said. He also gave a shout-out to the self-references of "Eclipse" that we loved so much.

"The movies are almost commenting on themselves," he said. "There will be a scene where the go-to guys, Taylor and Rob, are in the tent, it's almost like a 'Brokeback Mountain' scene, where the two guys are talking in a tent and the girl is asleep, and they're having, like, this romantic moment almost through her, in a way. One of them says, 'Well, I'm hotter than you,' and it's almost like they're winking at the fans, like to the Team Jacob or the Team Edwards."

But he does have one "Twilight" concession to make: He hasn't finished reading "Breaking Dawn." He has heard a bit about the birthing scene ("I kind of know what happens, some very strange birth, right?" he asked rhetorically), but at least his reasoning for calling it quits part way through the book matches our own frustrations when we were reading it the first time!

"I read a part of it. I think I got to the sex scene, but it was so brief, I didn't even know if it was the actual sex scene," he admitted. "It was kind of a letdown after all that buildup."

MTV | Via


  1. I think fans would be royally pissed if they did what happened in Brokeback. lol

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  3. I should send him my husbands " real men read twilight" tshirt!

  4. Hmm..I think his imagination must have been swithched off when he was reading the twilight books or he was tuned in a different frequency to the millions of Twilight and missed whatever it was that made the fans fell in love with Edward/Bella's romance and made Twilight a box office Phenomena..maybe it's the girls/woman's imaginations that made the difference..I don't know about you guys but reading Twilight books made my romantic imagination went to over drive from stephanie's first book right to Breaking Dawn..well come on ..the honeymoon and when edward and Bella made love after her transformation as a vampire was my opinion that is hot!!hugs to all my favs:)

  5. About the cutted-out sex scene, I agree, it may be a letdown, even a huge one. Also, I like the comparison to the brokeback mountain movie.

  6. @Nicole, he doesn't deserve to wear your hubby's tshirt. i don't enjoy them, but i'm on book 4. give me a break.

  7. @JA at least he's brave enough to admit that he's reading twilight:), while his brother kind of dish out the dirt about watching twilight as a family tradition. Twihards through and through:):)

  8. James is a great guy who is an A-Lister and admits he reads Twilight and has seen Eclipse. To me he is heaven for just those two things alone. Plus he has a brilliant mind and is an Oscar worthy actor. He also played on a soap opera. I luv this guy and I wish more men would follow his lead. Rob take some notes honey. We know u are brilliant as well, but this guy could teach u a lot seriously.

    Hugs to my favs. I adore Rob more, so just because I luv this guy too, does not mean I am trading in my "I luv Rob" badge. Why can't a girl adore more than one man especially if she is single. The girl can't help it.

  9. @JA, I am just happy that a guy can say he reads it. and dont get me wrong, but his "i don't enjoy them" doesn't bother me at all. I can see how he didn't enjoy them, but got caught up in the love story. The writing is crap in the first two books and the acting wasn't much better.

    And the comment that their are Hollywood stars out there who don't know who Bella, Edward, and Jacob are is also CRAP! please, they just can't admit that they have read or seen the movies. Twilight is everywhere and they need to get over the fact that its ok to say that they have read or heard about the books.

  10. "I think I got to the sex scene, but it was so brief, I didn't even know if it was the actual sex scene," he admitted. "It was kind of a letdown after all that buildup." =====>ITA

    @iluvthemovies ITA :)

    @nicole ITA with your last comment

    enough with the agreeing! give me something to rant about! xD

    HI to all, specially THE FAVS!!

  11. he's prob. just admitting to reading them because he wants to be able to mention "robert pattinson" and "twilight".

    i'm must be more cynical than you girls. if i didn't enjoy book 1, i certainly wouldn't read books 2, 3 and 4???

  12. @yaelfica, "I think I got to the sex scene, but it was so brief, I didn't even know if it was the actual sex scene," he admitted. "It was kind of a letdown after all that buildup."--> this might just be the essence of the magic that is twilight ;)

  13. @JA and Yaelfica,
    I think the author is leaving it up to our imagination as to what transpired after going into deep water. Men are so visual, they need everything spelled out for them. I mean when Bella wakes up and has feathers in her head, I did not imagine the scene actually taking place in a bedroom well for obvious reason which I have discussed with you both before. However feathers in a bed makes a nice visual. I only hope in BD we do get a little more, if u know what I mean.

  14. @JA witch ;)

    @iluvthemovies i agreed with james franco and i'm a girl... i live in fantasyland 24/7 and the sex scene total letdown. xD

  15. @Yaelfica,
    Wtv and Sarah Brightman can rarely keep a high note anymore.

  16. @iluvthemovies i told u i had a good imagination, don't u remember?? keep up!
    btw, led zepelin, who??? i not even know how to spell his's a he right?? or a she?? xD

  17. OH yes I did, Lucifer is back in town.

  18. @luvthemovies...ITA, stephenie is letting us decide what exactly happens during the honeymoon. no need for it to be spelled out on the pages, we all have our own ideas of what exactly happened. and obviously, it couldn't be spelled out..YA and all.

    Maybe you need to introduce yaelfica to some fan fiction, hehe.

  19. La Diabla is showing and Lucifer is just picking up from the behind.
    LOL, luv ya anyway, even if u don't know how to spell their name, They have a Whole Lotta Love for you and They would take u from hell to a Stairway to Heaven, just for you.

  20. "el hijo de la luna" by sarah can do that, thanks anyway ;D

  21. Hello,'re still discussing the sex scenes in twilight? I 've put in my comment early on ,reading Twilight books ,I fell in love with Edward and Bella's character and made my imagination go into overdrive,and ITA w/ JA and Iluvthemovies, need for the honeymoon scene to be written in graphic details in the book otherwise you might as well buy a pornographic book,well in my opinion Stephanie's texts/descriptive words were good enough for me anyway to imagine what E/B were experiencing ,in other words it is up to each individual imagination..well that's in my opinion..anyway ,hugs to all the favs:)
