Thursday, September 16, 2010

Edward Cullen - One of the top 10 great romantic figures in fiction

In fact, consider other great romantic figures in fiction, and a pattern starts to form: Mr Rochester? Lying toad. Mr Darcy? Emotional cripple. Edward Cullen? Controlling, and, frankly, creepy. In real life these characters would have most sensible women running for the hills. Yet confined within a book’s pages, they are strangely alluring. Perhaps it is their inaccessibility (the person who, on a blog dedicated to listing one’s favourite fictional crushes plumped for Hazel from Watership Down will know all about that). Or perhaps it’s what happens when reality is tossed aside in favour of imagination.

But while many of the great romantic figures in fiction would make for poor company, there’s no denying their charisma. Here is our list of the top 10, from high-brow to chick lit.

Edward Cullen [4th on list]

The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer (2005 – 2008)

Sparkly and unusually pale because he is, to all intents and purposes, dead, our vampire friend wouldn’t, on paper, make the ideal boyfriend. And yet to Bella Swan, and millions of Twi-hards across the world, Edward is perfect. Perhaps it’s his old-fashioned, chivalrous charm (he is more than 100 years old), or his unwavering devotion to Bella that has him creeping into her bedroom at night to watch her sleep. Either way, it is enough to override his less appealing characteristics; such as his appetite for blood; his cold-as-marble body or his aforementioned penchant for, er stalking.

Full list here | Via


  1. ofcours he is he is the best love him :) :)

  2. To even be on the list is wonderful, to be with all these great romantic figures is perfection. All of these romantic figure characters I have read and seen their mutliple version movie counterparts in all their appealing glory except for Holden Caulfied in Catcher in the Rye. I will have to read that one. As Clark Gable embodies Rhett Butler, I think Rob will have that distinction as well as emboding Edward Cullen. So many women and girls only see him in that role. Great list and I am happy Edward Cullen is amongst these other greats which are actually a culmination of some of the other romantic figures according to Stephanie Meyer. Who would think that the dead would be so romantically appealing; millions of us women and girls.

  3. @Iluvthemovies,..L ..ITA w/u ,our Edward is 4th on the list of all these great romantic figures in fiction..and as u said it is so wonderful to be on the list 'Edward Cullen' is, above Rhett Butler 5th (Gone With The Wind)..I'm not familiar w/the other figures on the list but I'm sure u know them all, I remember u saying u like to read Jane Eyre and Charlotte Bronte..for me 'Edward Cullen'is on top of my list as the most Romantic of them all..I'm sure..our @JA..feels exactly the same!!:)..Iluvthemovies great welcome and comments on the other site..hugs to all the favs:)

  4. Mr Darcy, Mr Edward Cullen, Mr Edmond Dantes, Mr Andrei Bolkonsky, Mr Peter Bezuhov, Mr Daniel Belloq (he is a hungarian writer's figure) this is my sequence. I don't like Rhett Butler so much.

  5. WTF! Heathcliff above Edward Cullen. No way! I read Wuthering Heights and I hated Heathcliff.

  6. And I hated Heathcliff too. And who defined this list? Was there a vote? i think it is individual.

  7. I used to think all of those other characters were romantic...until edward. :) now they're all flawed in my eyes. and it's not stalking,'s called, protecting :)

  8. @JA...Geez it is only protecting if the person knows that they are being protected, it is stalking when they have no idea the person is in their room just wanting to hear her say his name. In the book it is romantic, but in RL, like Dirty Harry's 44 magnum, I would be saying "Do you feel lucky punk, will do u" and blast away.

  9. Rigged! (Or just made by someone really stupid.) Edward is number one on all the lists, especially this one. Ridiculous, how can Edward be compared to anyone, maybe it's the vampire thing that threw him to no.4 LOL All I know is that SM created the perfect man :)
