Sunday, August 1, 2010

NEW Picture of Rob and an extra on the set of Water for Elephants

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  1. Sheer perfection...he has filled out nicely. I need a cold shower.

  2. He makes me want to shout!!! Gorgeous,sexy,handsome,dazzlinly!!

  3. Ohh..Rob..what are you trying to do to us mortals...we can only take so much excitements..ita w/ @ Iluvthemovies..he has filled out nicely..he is sheer perfection!!fav pecs..lucky lady fan..I bet she felt she was in heaven!!

  4. F*cking Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. His trainer and 5 meal healthy diet is keeping him looking so gorgeous. He just keeps getting better and better if that is possible.

  6. What I so admire about Robert is that he does not need to strip out of that shirt to look like a Greek God. Taylor, Zac, The Situation, they need to be bare chested for girls and ladies to go gaga.

    @danipatz, I barely see a bit of a nipple, he needs to take the shirt off to reveal just his undershirt. Luv it.

    Hi @twilightnan, I love your analogy of us mere mortals, he could honestly portray one of the Gods, he is gorgeous.

  7. and i have to call the RPL janitor AGAIN to clean up this much drool and dead female fans... lol
    how can he!! how!! oh holly meadow dream that started all of this!!;D

  8. Wow!so this fav pecs he has been hiding underneath those layerings of clothes??..ita w/ @ Iluvthemovies..Rob doesn't need to take his clothes off for girls..women..ahem..and much older ones to go gaga!..I have never been so obsessed like this w/ any actors..brad ,zac,george c,and many more just did not have the same effect on me as I'm buying magazines I've never bought before like a teenager for god sake and visiting fans site like this..would I ever get over this?.. hopefully not for a long time yet..I'm sure Rob will continue to drive us fans wild with excitement for a very long time yet!!ahh..@ Yaelfica..I like ur Holly Meadow Dream..mmm..yes..especially the Eclipse one with R/B kissing..oh heck you need to get the cleaner pronto!!

  9. ahahahahaha @twilightnan yes pronto

    and dedicated to @iluvthemovies we should call rob: bebe chikito!!when u say that in spanish it means the guy is mouthwatering.. do not translate literally coz doesn't have the same effect he ;)

  10. @ Yaelfica..buenas noches from,Yaelfica..stop gigling over there in Argentina..I'm trying my best here..that's as far I'm going to go w/ my spanish chikito!!I like it..he is definitely mucho bebe chikito!!

  11. @twilightnan ahahahah how can i stop u are as wicked as me!! luv ya!!

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  14. 0_0
    oohhhh rooob... why? why sooo sexy?

  15. one of the sexiest pics ever of rob!

  16. @yaelfica and twilightnan,
    You both are making me laugh and smile. I don't know why we are so obsessed with Rob, I have to admit, even Johnny Depp has not come close to my fascination with Rob. @Yaelfica, I don't want to mess up the translation but are the spanish words for "sexy hunk"?

    Quick note I just returned from Universal Studios and their new presenation of the King Kong exhibit on their tram ride. It was fantastic. I recommend it to anyone who can make it here in California or Orlando, Florida. I hope maybe one day Rob can work with Peter Jackson.

    Have a lovely evening everyone and especially to my favs, you know who you are.

  17. Very sexi picture, he doesn't need to take his clothes out, like that he looks very sexi!!!

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