Saturday, August 14, 2010

New Fan Picture of Rob in Montreal (and a lurking Tom) - August 14

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Me and Robert Pattinson in Montreal August 14 2010- the day i died

Thanks to teamrobsten411 for the picture. Lucky! :) You can read her fan encounter HERE


  1. Damn right he's pissed!! God poor thing! He's in LA pics here pics there he's at Montreal pics, pics and more pics! give him a rest!! I know he's Robert Pattinson bla bla bla i like him too but this is too much he cant handled! im sure ill be pissed if i cant drink my beer peacefully and hang out with my friends!!

  2. IDK

    I'm rather not happy seeing this pic he looks thrilled and not comfty at all or is it just me:?
    I can read in his eyes kinda MSG -give me peace of mind for a while.

    XX to favs and U all;)

  3. Lucky girl... But the way rob kept his hand on her shoulder as he is just doing a formality of standing with her a getting clicked. Well he is doing so... No peace for him

  4. Well apparently the girl who took the pic said she waited for him outside the restaurtant where he was eating and approached him outside so I guess I don't blame Rob one bit for looking pissed off.

  5. to Favest@Yaelfica
    are U doing happy dance already?

    I heard OTR is filming in Argentina in the end of August according to two extras on maybe baby?

    Bounce)))bounce))) bounce))):-D


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi papagaj,
    ITA with you and the others he does not look happy. I wish fans would leave these people alone when they are out for dinner or with others. To me personally it is so intrusive. I know there will be people who will say, "will they know what they are getting into when they enter the business." They don't sign up for constant intrusion. There is no actor handbook on fame. Poor Rob, leave him alone. It will be amazing if we see anymore pictures of Kristen and Rob together in Montreal now that they know that cameras are following. I can also tell she is such fan by giving out the information that he was under the influence. With fans like that who needs enemies.

    Have sweet dreams and to my Favs, hugs to all.

  8. Pissed or not I think it's cool that he took the picture and answer a question about Kristen... good manners Rob, I'm proud :)

    The girl looks pretty, when you are a fan that is what counts :)

  9. I love me some Rob but no offense he drinks to much and smokes to much :( He says he eats so healthy now but all that drinking and smoking is just undoing all that healthy eating.

  10. Hes such a nice guy though to his fans because even when he doesnt look in the mood to take pics he still does for his fans. Hes Mr. Sweetness lol.

  11. Rob doesn't look thrilled and he doesn't look drunk to me. Thats just my opinion. And I have to agree with Iluvthemovie.
    I just didn't like how the girl felt the need to announce that Rob was wasted. Like WTF was that about? Anyway, not hating, but thats just my two cents.

  12. @Hotty, ITA, we all have vices, but Rob has more vices than I would like him too. He needs to slow it down, because he is already aging and that is not necessarily a good thing when your 24 years of age. I have the feeling and I could be wrong, but he may not be in Unbound Captives because he is starting to age out of that part. Rob, please slow down, Mrs. Deen, Hotty, and others including myself want you to have a very healthy long acting life.

  13. Well to be truthful I would have done the same thing wht ths gal did.. We know celebs also need thr own time and privacy but once I see him I mst hv rushed to him and asked for a pic in spite to understand whether he is in mood or not.. For me it would be like life time achievement award :)

  14. @Iluvthemovies I don't know about that... in some pics he almost looks like a little boy but in others, usually when he is tired or in unflattering light, he looks older, more haggard... I don't mean to be disagreeable and I may be wrong, but I just don't know if I completely agree with it. But I DO agree with the need for him to slow down. Doing as much as he is can really tire and age him. Please don't take my comment as condescending, I always love your comments and support for Rob!

    Rob looks tired... go back home to your baby kris, Rob!

  15. @neerja, at least your honest about it. However, I don't know you, but I don't think you would tweet it to your friends and sites to tell them all look I am with Rob and he was drunk, IMHO she only wants her 15 seconds of fame. You may have shown your picture but I don't think you would have given that many details. That is my point it is so invasive.

  16. Just some quick observations, Rob is growing his beard again, I wonder how long it will get by the time he is ready to film BD. I really luv how although this woman gussied up so she could have her photo taken with Rob, he could really care less, it is like, "ok hurry up get your picture and be on your way." He was still nice to enough to answer her questions but at the same time he is not impressed. I really admire that guy.

  17. he needs to slow down? are guys kidding me??? for fuck's sake the man has been working non-stop since February, i think he deserves one night out with his buddy, no? and Rob looking old? i don't know if you're watching the same pic as I am but he looks like a total normal 24 year would look like. without the scruff you can make him look a bit younger. but then again why would you want to do that? it's no like he needs to do teen movies anymore after BD.

    for someone who says is a fan of him, i think it's totally unfair to judge they way he lives his life. does he come knocking on your door to judge the way you live your life. i didn't think so. as far as he gets his job done, and may i add NO ONE who has ever worked with him has said nothing but good things about him and how professional he is.


    i might go now and grab a beer.. or maybe even too.

  18. @meephwest,
    I don't want you to ever feel that if you disagree with any of my comments specifically, that I would feel offended. I only get upset when people say derogatory statements to others who disagree with them. If you disagree, stick by what you say and who knows I may come around to your way of thinking. I am so glad you are on the site the more the merrier. Rob does look young but it is called makeup and that is why if you see untouched photos, the kid has crow's feet already. That concerns me. Please feel free to disagree all you want just in a nice way. Have a lovely day or evening.

  19. @anni,
    I think Rob is a professional actor and I have never said otherwise. As far as extracurricular activities that is his business and I know when I was his age I had on many occassions I had way too many drinks but I also didn't smoke. He has several vices and I have heard from others on the set that he does chain smokes. That does not mean he is not professional or nice on the set or outside the set. I am only concerned about his health because I am probably a lot older than you, but I mean no disrespect to Rob and even on another post I defended his smoking. I just mentioned he should not do so much of it, not that he should give it up. I don't know if you are knew here but I know the others know where I stand when it comes to Rob. I am not sleepy or tired right now and I would be right with you getting the beer.

  20. @Iluvthemovies

    okay first, i think i need to apologies, i was maybe a bit rude there. it's just after reading people bitching about the fact that he had a few drinks just made me see red, since i don't think anyone has the right to judge him or what he does.

    i'm around same age as Rob, so imo what he does is perfectly normal. i'm not saying his smoking habits are good, hell no, smoking is bad! but i don't think i have the right to judge him by that. or anything he does outside his work. and i'm not even sure why i'm having this "debait" since it's none of our business what he eats or drinks or how many cigarets he smokes.

  21. anni,
    apology accepted and don't worry I assure you I only want the best for Rob. So lets lift a glass of brew and wish him well. I don't know where you are from, so
    have either a lovely evening or day.

  22. @anni when I said 'slowing down' I was talking about his work... I never said anything about going out with his friends and drinking, yada yada.

    @Iluvthemovies phew! thanks =)

  23. please vote for Rob!

    he's dropping a little fast!!!

  24. I love how Tom just sits there. LMAO! :P Rob does look pissed.. LOL! :P

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. @ robfan..Hi..just voted..he is in the lead now..68%--32%--(This is for the ultimate sexy beast)..the comments on this poll are fanatical and funny..just go on the link from ..@robfan..Anyway..IF YOU ARE A ROB/EDWARD FAN AND YOU HAVE NOT VOTED YET..GO AND VOTE ..ROB..ERR..I MEAN..EDWARD NEEDS YOU!!have fun!!:)

  27. @lluvthemovies I totally agree with you. He does look like hes aging prematurely like in untouched photos Ive noticed all of his wrinkles that shouldnt be soo prominent at his age so I think drinking and smoking is starting to take its toll there, but hes still fine though lol. But not only for his looks he needs to stop it or do it in moderation most importantly to stay healthy.

  28. To me Rob does not look wasted he looks kind of tired. But he was nice to the fan and told the fan that he just came from the set and that Kristen was still working when the fan asked were Krisen was. He also probably was waiting for Kristen to get there since she joined Rob after she was finished filming.

  29. @papagáj about the filming in Argentina someone on twitter said that they heard that Kristen is only shooting in montreal and a city in ottawa and that was it and that she would have a break before breaking dawn.

  30. I wonder if Rob is looking a little annoyed because his friend was blown off? Why did she not take a picture with Rob and Tom? As to the smoking and drinking, my guess is he will not quit smoking any time soon and the drinking does not really appear to be excessive it is just that we do not see him unless he is going out and having a few drinks then is pretty normal when you are 24. As to premature wrinkles, I think that is just because Rob uses his face - he is so expressive when he is talking especially with those eyebrows! Thank heavens men don't use botox..

  31. Hi to my Favs, I am up and about after staying up late last night. I just want to address two comments:

    @Hotty: Everyone has different opinions as to what drinking and smoking can do to your aging process. I will not comment on it anymore after this about Rob's smoking and drinking. I don't care if he smokes and drinks, but as my wise grandmother told me, everything in moderation.

    @JLC: You are probably right, I don't expect him to quit either of those activities, I hope he uses moderation to guide him, but that is not always the case. He has anxiety problems that he admits to so I think he drinks more to have that nice numb feeling you get when you drink. I only wish him the best and hope he knows we only want the best for him.

    To my favs, I will meet you on the other post where the other "fan" I say that dripping with sarcasm is at. Hugs to all.

  32. Don't you just love it when we all get on here and give our opinions of the picture in front of us. As long as Rob is so hot, there are always going to be fans. He looks cute with these girls and the way Tom is looking at one of the girls cracks me up. Wonder if he ever has someone take his picture. Rob has drunk like a fish probably since his Dad took him to his first pub. He is use to it. I like seeing him in still the same clothes, having fun with his BFF and waiting for Kristen to get off work. See, we all have different opinions, that what makes it interesting.

  33. Wow, I was reading all the comments...and I thought I will just say what my personal feelings about it. The only bad habit I would like Rob to get rid of is his smoking habit. I have seen him smoking so much during the course of these years and I am absolutely worried about it. As far as drinking is concerned, doesn't most guys at that age drink...I did not see any issue with it..having a drink or two when you are out with your friends while you are having dinner seems to be ok...if you ask me personally whether I like anyone drinking, my answer will be "NO" but then I don't drink or smoke for that matter and that is reason for that answer.

    Once in a while I think about meeting him but most of the time I say to myself that I could never go and say hi because I always will feel like i am intruding..looking at these pictures I feel I am intruding but like lluvthemovies said on a different thread it is out there any way we can not do anything about it other than see his gorgeous face.

    Eventhough I am glad for these fans as they got a chance to meet him, I do think he deserves to be left alone when he is having dinner with his friends and/or family. But I won't judge them as I am not sure what I will do if and when I meet him...On another note I might just say "Hi Rob, How are you doing...I love your movies and I am looking forward to watching your new movies.....Have a great time honey, enjoy your day." I think that will be it for me. No pictures for me...Yep I will be that boring.

    Like lluvthemovies said, our wish for him is to be happy and enjoy the ride and hope he is enjoying his time with Kristen and is very very happy....

    I love you all very much and I want to throw my hugs and kisses to my favs....I have to go now as I have my two friends coming over to my house to spend some time and have lunch with me....girls time..

    Talk to you all soon

    Love always

  34. If Rob wants to have a drink/get drunk in his down time he should be allowed to do it in peace. Have you ever thought it might be because of all this attention that he feels the need to have a drink? He was still kind enough to answer questions and have his picture taken. I don't know whether I would be so accommodating. Rob works very hard and should be left alone to chill out with friends. Please let him have that time. Love you Rob and I will protect you no matter what!

  35. @mrs.deen have fun with ur friends honey!! luv ya!! that it's all :)

  36. first, lucky girl..period. i don't think he looks pissed, i think he just has the typical "celeb taking a photo face". as for the drinking, at 24, i was much was every other 24 yr old i know. so he's not doing anything most others his age are doing. of course i wish he would never drink, smoke and was a virgin just like edward..hehe.

  37. Ok Ladies, 1st, is that a tat on his right inner forearm? Cannot see clearly enough, could be just a drawing but, i have seen lots of male actors get tats inside- so it can be hiden better on film. And I would like to say that Robert is a Brit, they tend to LOVE the pints, as an Irish woman, I can tell you, drinking is just a way of life, a pub is where they all get the lastest craic (crack) (which mean gossip, in Irish slang), smoke a fag, and enjoy life! The Brits and Irish are a relaxed layed back type, go with the flow, eat, drink, and be merry! We Americans tend to be Uptight, compared to european counties! I know that if I were ever to encounter a famous person, depending on what they were doing I may ask for a photo, But I just would never post it on the web. I remember Rob told a story about a chick who asked for a pic with him this was during filming of New Moon, and he asked her not to post it, and she didnt. She just blogged about it- I think it would be too special to share it with the world.

  38. I am a Brit and I thank you for putting the record straight. As for the photo thing. If I was ever lucky enough to have a photo taken with Rob I would never even consider publishing it on the web or anywhere else for that matter. It would be too precious for me to share.

  39. @maestro~ You are Welcome. Although not born and raised in Ireland, My family has always treasured our history. This weekend is Irish Fest, it is held at the Summer Fest grounds in Milwaukee WI, USA, four days of American beer, Tullamore, Jameson, and of course Guinness, Irish step Dancing, folk singers and Irish rock bands, It is the Best, and I have been going for 30 years,as long as it has been open! Going to have a awesome time!

  40. Sara Well you're still a Brit by default and that's OK at least you know what you're talking about. Hope you had a really great time at the weekend.
