Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Rob Interview w/InStyle (Germany) - Scans + Translation

Lots of the same questions from different interviews, but a couple new ones.

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Unbelieveably sexy

Twilight Star Robert Pattinson about love without rules, the first, exciting love, why he would love to have a dog and why he only lives in hotels.

Robert Pattinson drinks tea with milk for breakfast. He switchs off the air conditioning and in exchange opens a window. During the interview in the “Four Seasons” Hotel in Beverley Hills the 24-year-old Twilight star wears a black t-shirt with beige Levis jeans. His legendary hair is cut short at the sides. That’s because of his role in the circus-drama “Water for Elephants” set in the 30th, which he shoots at the moment alongside Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz. A huge difference to Edward Cullen, the vampire, with which millions of girls have fallen in love. In the third film of the series, named “Eclipse”, Bella (Kristen Stewart) has to avow to her undying love. In real life both of them remain silent about their relationship. Robert continues to be a man girls dream about.

All your “Twilight” colleagues said that you were in love with Edward after reading the books. In love with a vampire that abstains from sex before marriage. What do you think of that?
I think that Edward’s afraid of sex (laughs). No, I kind of understand his point of view, because the stage in which you are not sure of yourselves in a relationship is the most exciting. Maybe I’m old fashioned in this respect. There shouldn’t be rules for love. Some couples meet in a bar, sleep with each other the same evening and live happily ever after.

What do you think of girls that cry “Marry me” at your film premieres?
It’s mind-blowing but it’s just a part of my job.

You once said that you had the deepest relationship with your dog…
I was only partly serious. Unfortunately my dog, a West Highland Terrier, died last december. He was 18 years old. I love dogs and I’d love to get one again, an older one that’s already been trained. Do I want a dog that’s already perfect? That would be like getting a furnished apartment. Very impersonal.

But you’re used to that right? You only drive rental cars, live in hotels, eat in restaurants. How does it feel to be homeless?
It’s necessary. In Los Angeles I live in 5 different hotels, because after two days the paparazzi will be waiting in front of the hotel. I don’t buy a house because of that. After one week thousands of people would know were I live – that’s no home.

How is it to live in a hotel?
The roomservice’s not good for me. In London I was addicted to greasy indian chicken dishes. Now in L.A. I order 5 healthy dishes, which are delivered in the morning. I’am only able to make toast and I add barbecue sauce to everything (laughs).

Do you sometimes feel lonely in the hotel?
There’s no time for that. I’m surrounded by people all the time. On the set you ask threehundred people “How’s it going?” every day. I could easily live two months without talking to a single person.

Was it preferable not to be famous?
No, only more boring. Former I wasn’t allowed to enter clubs. Now I’m avoiding them. The four months previous to the first “Twilight” premiere were the months I partied the most. All of a sudden I was standing on the guest list of the coolest clubs of L.A. The paparazzi didn’t know me back then but all of the bouncers let me in. In London things are different. If you slip the bouncer 200 pounds, you get in, no matter if you’re famous or not. But I think my clubbing-times have passed.

Scans | Scans | Translation | Via


  1. I'm glad he is taking care of himself eating healthy foods..anyone knows what he will be doing before BD starts?..I know he needs a break after wfe wraps up next week...just worried a lot of people will have serious withdrawal symptoms due to reduced dose of ROBERT PATTINSON fix..love u all from England ..and it has been raining but weather is warm!..xxx

  2. at the end...private : in love with kristen stewart xD okay...well,we know it,too. xD

  3. I think he will go back to london for a while :)

  4. i hope he does u guys..it's getting crazier by the minute where he is now...

  5. This is what I want him to do..I understand he will be at Teen choice awards......but after that
    he should go visit his family In England and take it easy for atleast 3 weeks....I would recommend him visiting Kristen before he leaves to England. I am sure both of them are missing each other.. so live your life darling..don't care about what others say..life is really really short so dont' worry about anything, love and live.

    Honey , you need a break before you start BD, just write and compose some music, read some books and relax. Believe me you need the energy.Another 6 to 7 months of work is waiting for you and in between you might even have to work on Bel Ami press conferences etc....it is coming out sooner than you think.

    So i wish you all of the above and promise we will be here supporting you in every which way.

    All of us love you dearly in our own special way because you are special and one in a million. Take care of yourself.

    Love always
    You can consider me your Mom who did not give birth to you but think of you as my own son

  6. I thank you very much, webmaster, for this great blog. I really appreciate your posts. Your idea is excellent very well. Thanks for the update.


  7. So I guess those rumours about him living with Kristen were false then. He basically confirms there that he doesn't even own a house. Sad. I hoped it was true. Oh well I agree with Mrs. Deen I hope Rob relaxes after WFE, he truly deserves it. Love you Rob.

  8. The translation of the first part of the first question is wrong. The german original says: All your female collegues of Twilight said, they fell in love with Edward after reading the book.
