Friday, July 16, 2010

A Few New Pictures of Rob and Christoph on set today

ETA: Now HQ and Untagged!



  1. oh good God he damn fine!

    my heart just skipped a beat and I feel warm and tingly all over.

  2. Ok I try not to get all hormonal and goo goo eyed over Mr. Handsome, but I can not contain myself. I try to keep it all about his art, but Please get this man out of that Tux before I have to buy stock in laundry detergent from all the pantie changes. So very beautiful Mr. Pattinson. Can not wait to see this Film. I shall go hide my head in shame now. ;-)

  3. that even an accurate description of him? What is best about hi? He doesn't even have to try....he just is!

  4. ITA, Rob is gorgeous but I have to say Cristoph looks guite good looking as well. I hope Cristoph does not get typecast, here is his third time playing more or less a villan. Cristoph I want to see you in a romantic comedy or just a drama where you are not a villan. He is such a talented actor. I get goosebumps thinking about both these men in the same movie. It makes my day, week, year or until the film is released.

  5. two handsome men.. rob in tux....god knows what will happen when we see them on big screen .....

  6. hopeless angelic even with with a grimace
    nothing new here;-)

    WFE hurry up

  7. @ravenlilly Please get this man out of that Tux...!!! hahahahahha so funny...and true...
