Monday, June 28, 2010

Reelz Channel talks to the cast at the Eclipse Premiere and Wyck Godfrey will start scouting in Louisiana!

Eclipse | Taylor Lautner | Bryce Dallas Howard | Robert Pattinson | Kristen Stewart | Hollywood Dailies | Movie Trailers


Youtube thanks to alison4828


  1. He's the producer but really Louisiana? I'd like to see how they're going to make the bayou look like the Pacific Northwest, I haven't been to Louisiana but I don't think they look anything alike...

  2. Don't know how Bill's gonna top Slade's locations in Louisiana! I think Canada is closer the Forks scenario...
    Wondering if he's coming to Rio! Really worried about that!
    And Rob speaking Portuguese! Oo

  3. I was wondering if all of the movie will be filmed in Louisiana or just the Isle Esme scenes, I can't fathom how Louisiana will subsitute for Forks, Washington.

    I have been to New Orleans and some of the Plantations further out of NO but I really can't see them shooting the whole film there.
