Sunday, June 27, 2010

A few more pictures from the Eclipse Premiere

From Collider's Exclusive Gallery - HQs

From L.A. Live

And Ruby (Source: Collider)


  1. This is the first time I am writing but I am a frequent visitor to this site and enjoy the site very much. I just want to know whether anyone read today's LA Times...There is a huge article about Twilight Saga. Thought you might want to know.

  2. @ Mrs.Deen ,Welcome! I wish I live in LA but unfortunately live in England UK ,..was the article an interesting read? on sat 26 june ,there was a huge article about our ROBERT PATTINSON on the Daily Express written by peter sheridan who was in LA for the eclipse premiere...he wrote forget Daniel Craig(james bond)or David Beckham..the Brit who can't move without being mobbed by female fans is Robert Pattinson"our Biggest hearthrob"he wrote that Rob now makes his home in la in a mansion he now shares with Kristen Stewart ..this is a reliable news paper so I'm so excited for this couple RK..It must be the Romance thing getting into my head..Im crossing my fingers that this is true! the same as you I love this site,I guess u like Twilight so u will probably comment again even if you're not a Rob fan.I will still enjoy reading your comments bye !x

  3. Welcome Mrs Deen, this is a very nice website, they always seem to have up to the date articles and pictures of Robert. I enjoy it very much. I will have to go online and take a look at the article about the Twilight Saga. Do you have people asking you if you are related to Paula Deen? You don't see that name to much other than Paula and her boys. Again welcome, I look forward to your future comments.

    Hi Twilightnan, I heard about the devasting loss of the UK to Germany in the World Cup. I was upset at that ref for not counting the goal. The country must be in an uproar.

    Can you go online to read the article on Robert in the Daily Express, I would love to read it.

    Take care all.

  4. Wow I am excited to get the replies....By the way I just want you to know I am not a teen I am a mom of 16 year old girl, she introduced me to twilight books in 2008 around September. It is a long story that I might write one day but I am a Rob fan more than Twilight as I consider him as my son I never had...yeh i am 45. But my husband thinks I have a crush on Rob but I tell him that it is not the case but i don't think he believes me. I think Rob is such a beautiful soul inside and out and I am so proud of the choices he has made until now.

    By the way i don't think the house buying and living together news of Rob and kristen is true but I do believe they love and respect each other. I am glad they are keeping their private life private..kudos to them. Such a young age and they behave like a very mature adult.

    One of the article in LA Times mentions how fans are so addicted that it is effecting their daily life and even marriage. The day after premiere they had a different article about fans living in tents and had picture of Rob and Kristen in front of calendar section.

    Well this is a long reply..I will stop now. Hope all of you bought Remember Me DVD..I come to this site every day mornign and evening and on weekend so many times. I also visit robsessed...

    Hope all of you are having agreat weekend. What is the time now in UK. I will be watching Elicpse on Wednesday and then on the weekend too.

  5. i've just read the article and's about the negative aspect of being a twilight fan...i exclude myself from that just coz i'm a ROBERT PATTINSON fan but a fan all the same.. i don't spend all my time on my pc but i'm pretty much obsessed with this guy so ..yes..maybe i need help..i just can't help it..though i'm really happy in my everyday life, i'm more so when i'm here...
    HI AND GOODNIGHT! @twilightnan @iluvthemovies love ur comments like always

  6. oh! and WELCOME @Mrs deen!! this guys are te best and this site AWESOME!!! kisses to u all

  7. @twilightnan, I just read the article online at the Daily Express. It was a very good article except the reporter printed Rob's suit was from Armani when he was actually wearing Gucci. Those litte mistakes can be overlooked. However, I wonder how true it is about the mansion, as far as know, I heard he is still staying in hotels and has changed several times due to the paparazzi finding out where he is staying.

    I did hear that Kristen and Rob had a love shack, the love shack could be the mansion, this could be true or all hearsay, one never knows. Thanks for recommending the article to Mrs. Deen. I am certain she will enjoy the article as well.

  8. Thank you all for welcoming me to the site.
    By the way twilightnan, you asked me a question about Paula deen, no I am not realted to anyone in US actually. I am originally from India and I use last four characters of my husband's last name (deen) that is all.

    Eventhough I do understand it can be addictive, I do think it has its benefits. like builting a community, having someone else to communicate to other than your family, for me it is just my husband whom I adore and my daughter who is the best 16 year old any parents could have. But it is nice to come to this site read everyones comments about a topic you love which is Rob. Twilight gave me the escape i needed when I needed it most and I am thankful to my daughter for introducing me to Twilight. But now I am more interested in everything Rob. Don't get me wrong, I am a twilight fan too but not as much as Rob.

    Love you all and take care...

  9. Hello again to @ Iluvthemovies* @ Yaelfica *@ Mrs.Deen ,just let u know I''ve read the Twilight Saga article in LA Times on line and as always enjoyed looking at RK photos and the rest of the cast--Iluvthemovies-thank u for ur support-the nation is shock because of our defeat to germany my hubby drown his sorrow in beers!!our house is covered with the England flags and buntings back and front I was going to take them down but my husband said no and to wait until the world cup is over..I'm sorry about your team USA losing as well. @ Yaelfica any up date re- any definite comfirmation that Rob wrote the lyrics to the song by Lee McDougall? plz let me know , anyway you're not the only one who needs therapy...I got it as bad as u I think we are definitely robsessed but can't help it!!it's been a glorious sunny day in the UK ..u know barbecue in the garden with the family..I'm going to see Eclipse this coming sunday with my daughter ( only) she'll be 33 this yr and she has given me 3 wonderful grandchildren same as you Mrs.Deen she was the one who introduced me to Twilight and to the wonder of Robert Pattinson sigh.. and same as u my hubby thinks I'm in love with Rob although it is him who buys me any Rob related items so I guess he understand that it's him that I really regards to you all!
