Sunday, June 27, 2010

+115 HQ and Untagged Pictures From The Eclipse Premiere

As always, thanks to Linda at Pattinsonlife for these :)


  1. Poor Kristen and those shoes. They must have really been killing her. Thank goodness Rob and Taylor were there to hold her up. I loved how she grabbed the back of Rob's jacket. That girl must have been in pain. What these stars do for us to look their fashionable best. Luv them.

  2. Yeah she was gripping onto both Rob and Taylor for dear life. I think it's safe to say she would send death glares to those who created stilettos.Lol I hate my picture being taken, and I would hate having to walk the red carpet with people screaming at me and dragging me here and there. Plus the things them PAPS ask. It was like Rob over here, Rob scratch your head. Rob lean in closer to Kristen, Rob kiss Kristen, Rob look at Kristen. The media is so manipulative, and can make anyone believe whatever they want you to.
    Kudos to Rob Kristen and Taylor for the crap they have to endure to do something they love.

  3. Kstew is the luckiest girl alive!

  4. i always LOL at "for dear life" comments hahaha yeah i love when men let u ruin their suits just for your confort..i used to do that to a former boyfriend of mine hehe...

  5. Hello to @ Iluvthemovies and @ you two are still drooling on photos of these fabulous couple!haven't you have enough by now??....OMG me too!!I wish I could plastered their photos around the house but my hubby would probably get me committed!he he ,Yaelfica seen your comments on Fiorels 90-video falling in love for the last time-just checked it has 30,875 hits so far going up all the time and Iluvthemovies -read the twilight huge article in LA times on line..great photo of Kristen ,they could have use a better shot of just RK ,there so many to choose from..I don't recognise any of the others in there ..the kardashians sisters are all dressed in black ,just watched X-treme close-up of ROB and KRISTEN on e'news I'm surprise I thought they're not promoting Rob as much since that fiasco interview with Ryan Seacrest at the NM premiere I guess they cannot ignore him as he is in demand..anyway have to go ..take care u two!!

  6. I love all these pics! I can't get enough!
    @twilightnan: My hobby will probably have me committed too if I keep it up! sometimes I look when he's asleep because I don't want to make him feel bad. lucky for me he falls asleep early sometimes! ha,ha

  7. @ katherine..welcome,I'm glad it is not only me who is worried about getting committed by their other half...he is like a drug to us..stealing Rob's line..we need to go on this fantastic "Robert Pattinson Life " web site to get our daily fix of Rob,..otherwise I'm sure we will all have withdrawal would our other half cope!he he..
