Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rob's Full Wax Figure

Thanks to Twilighter_News


  1. Oh My God, his face expression is really scary. For the rest I think it's pretty cool.

  2. Comparing that to the blog pic next to it the face is off. The eyes, mouth and jaw line are wonky. I still don't think it looks like him. I wouldn't mind actually seeing him in the clothes in real life though lol.

  3. I am not a fan of wax figures, the people look dead and embalmed. However, for being a wax figure, I think they did a good job of capturing Rob's coyness and his sex appeal.

  4. I wonder if they had to get to make sure he was anatomically correct. :D

  5. The body is fine and the clothes are great, but there is something weird about the face.
    The eyebrows are wrong and the jaw is definitely not right.
    I mean he has a really strong bone structure, but that jaw is just to big ... I dont know...

    Im still going to the museum to see it in May though :)

  6. Omg why have they made him look like 5 years older in the face? Jaw line and hair is great thought :D

  7. Yeah, they put his hands in his pockets where he keeps them most of the time, but he does not have that chisled jawline or square chin and the smile and lips are wrong. Why didn't they have a contest with us Twihard fans about what to put then he would have been perfect. the body looks good. He looks older than he is.

  8. His front must be all went cuz I'm damn well sure the chick who finished it humped the ever living wax out of him.

  9. Lol Clint Eastwood first came to mind when I saw his face. OMG no

  10. ...hmmm...something is wrong somewhere...the look on his face is just not rite...y didn't they use his RM pics as reference, i tot those look great....

  11. The mouth is too thin and it's off kilter, the eyes are wrong too. It looks more like Hugh Jackman. This thing is horrible. Ugh! Melt it down and start over.

  12. Not to dis MT..but something is off...maybe his eye's? Nose not flat enuff? Jaw line? geez...I don't know? How can anyone capture the true essence of our Robert? His facets change everyday..he is truly a diamond in the ruff! Totally a unique beauty!

  13. I don't like it. Period.

