Monday, December 28, 2009

Rob sighting in London

WITH his new beard, it looks like ROBERT PATTINSON is fast turning from a vampire into a werewolf.

The Twilight star gave his fans something else to Robsess over as he sported the new face fuzz on a post-Christmas day out with his sister LIZZY in Barnes, South-West London.

RPatz once admitted that until he was 12 his sis used to dress him up as a girl and introduce him to pals as Claudia.

He said: "Twelve was a turning point as I moved to a mixed school and then I became cool and discovered hair gel."


He's not amused...


  1. That's fine, but WHERE IS KRISTEN? Is it true that they had a big blowout over where to spend Christmas? Am certainly hoping that this is not a reason for a split.

  2. He's a mess.. but mess with a good one..

  3. Easy, kristen is not there because THEY ARE NOT A COUPLE, they are friends, maybe with beneficts, they have been together before, they like each other, they have a strong friendship for life, but they are not a formal couple.
